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Break Down the Walls!

Writer's picture: Tim BaldwinTim Baldwin

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

People of the Lord, awake!

You are being held captive by your own choice.

No, not by the filth of this world that clamors for your attention. It is more subtle and deceptive than that.

Each week, you walk through the doors of your captivity.

Your own church is imprisoning you.

These churches are holding My people captive; set them free.

Break down the walls that imprison My people. Free their hearts to turn to Me.

They walk through those doors like lambs to slaughter.

These strongholds are widespread; there are millions of Christian churches worldwide.

Yes, big churches, small churches, and every type and size.

It is time to go to war against the tyranny of this age. Set My people free from their bondage, so they may soar on eagles wings with Me in surrender to My Father’s will. All must come to Me, all are lost without knowing Me.

You are being oppressed by the very organizations that you have supported and entrusted to teach you the word of God.

This is tyranny, and it is coming to an end.

You must turn to Christ, surrender to Him, and seek Him to know Him.

Do not be like the Israelites when they were set free from Egypt. You do not need another organization; you need Christ.

Therefore, do not wander in the desert; He wants you to go to Him.

Where is He? Christ is in your heart, so seek Him there. He is spirit!

Where are My people in these last days? Who will rise up and take My hand? Who are the few?

There is no more time to waste.

The wind is rushing upon your cities. People will cry out, “Where is our God in these times?” You will say to them, “He has always been here, within you; you have been looking for Him in all the wrong places. Search your heart, listen to Him, and He will tell you the things you need to know.”

How can this be?

You were never meant to be taught the word of God beyond infancy in Christ.

God's people teach babes in Christ the fundamentals of learning from Him.

I have come so that all know Me and all suffer the cross with Me.

You are meant to suffer the cross with Him, know Him, and be taught by Him.

This is the way of Christ.

Search your heart and listen to Him. He is your master and your teacher. He will tell you what you need to know.

Many have been deceived.

The war has begun, and it's not against the leaders of church organizations.

The war is, and always was, against the evil one and the principalities of darkness in the spiritual realm.

The enemy is cunning and seeks where he may devour.

Is there a better deception of the enemy than having God's people believe they are walking in righteousness?

The churches are corrupt, and they are strongholds of the enemy.

They will resist, but the trumpet is not sounding for the church organizations; it is for you!

He wants you in His kingdom.

So what is going to happen?

They will fight you, a stronghold of the enemy. They will resist, but they cannot resist My words. Their walls will be torn down, and the eyes of the people will be opened. No longer will they sit and be held captive while their leader eats from the table. Compromise nothing and tear down these walls. Get My words into the hands and the ears of My people. Speak, and they will listen. Walk, and you shall see. All must come to Me or perish; there is no more time.

Compromise nothing and tear down these walls!

We must open our eyes, rise up, and fight the enemy.

What can be done?

First step: Turn your whole heart to the Lord and seek His voice.

Peace everlasting comes to those who know Me. It does not come by rituals or faith; faith brings them to Me. But they must be with Me, talk with Me, and stay in My presence to be Mine. When they do this, I will, in turn, be theirs.

You must first talk with Him in spirit and remain in His presence; you must know Him this way.

Always be in Him, carrying your cross and denying your flesh to be in His presence.

Then, and only then, will He call you His.

Listen to Him. He will tell you these things that you need to know.

The time has come when all mankind must come to Me with their whole hearts, their whole minds, and their whole bodies. It is all of me or none of Me. These are the words of life; all is done through Me. They must listen and hear; no one goes to the Father but through Me. I am the gatekeeper and the holder of the keys. They must relinquish their lives to me or face perdition. There is no other way. I demand all of them, for I am the Prince of Peace and giver of life. Peace to all who journey in the way of the Lord. Sojourners, set your course.

Your heart will be tested. All of mankind will be tested.

Christendom, are your hearts wholly set on Him?

Earth is only a short stop to eternity.

You are a traveler; set your mind on Christ and your course to eternal life.

Second step: Fight! A spiritual war is here.

Seize the day. The night is falling, and many will lie victim.

Free the slaves, for they know not what they do. Free them to fight the enemy; war is upon us.

The enemy has always come against us, and we are to resist and fight the good fight.

But now it is a full-out war.

You are called to be in the army of the Lord to fight the enemy and its strongholds.

Seek His counsel and tear down the walls of the enemy!

Third step: Do not support corruption; war against it.

Do not be corrupt; do not sell My words. The Father gives, and He provides. All is done in My name; no one goes to the Father except through Me. Of what shall I give them? Shall I hand them a stone? Where is their God who created the universe? Does He practice as a thief? Give honor and glory to God and receive in abundance. His ways are not their ways, the way of the world. Abundance flows from a pure heart, not corrupted by the world. Share My words, bring them to the nations.

His words are not for sale!

My words are not for sale; they must be set apart. The wisdom and knowledge that you have must be freely given as it was freely given to you. What is the price of holiness? What is the price of grace?  

His words are not another commodity of this world; they must be treated differently, set apart, and freely given.

Are not the gifts of the spirit freely given, as well as grace?

Where does Christ say to put your resources?

Give alms to the poor. Wash their feet and give them a resting place. Be a light of goodness. Show your light; let it be of purpose. Be kind to the brokenhearted. Lift up the unworthy. Be a shelter from the storm and a calm in the wilderness. Honor Me, and I will make your way.

Invest your time and resources in Christ and His ways, where your heart should be.

He gives you resources to be used and given in obedience to Him; do not squander them.

Give to the poor and offer them a resting place.

Do not be deceived by those who misconstrue His words and solicit "tithes" to their organization, for they do not walk in His ways.

Do not be deceived by "sowing" into a ministry. Sowing is a spiritual act where seeds of glory are sown into the fertile ground of heaven's peace.

The Father gives, and He provides.

His words for churches:

I will provide for those who are called to action and obey. Do not panhandle, do not be corrupt but set apart in My name. Take nothing, own nothing; that is My way. 

Do not panhandle God's word in any form, including music, books, seminars, teachings, apparel, paraphernalia, and the like. This is not His way.

Do not think these actions are justified in supporting ministries when they are actually an offense to God!

Does He practice as a thief? No, and nor should you.

Faithful servants reap where they do not sow.

If you walk by His will in righteousness, He will provide!

This applies to everyone, including church and ministry workers.

Do not support their hypocrisy and robbery of God's resources.

Instead, give Him honor and glory, do not be corrupt, and do not support corruption!

God's abundance applies to those who walk in righteousness.

Hear these words for ministry leaders regarding their audiences:

First things first. What of their inner needs? What of peace, the prosperity within? Turn their hearts toward me, then do community outreach. There is no lesson to prepare, just the hearts of My people.

This is His way. The world's way is very different.

We must realize that the world's way isn't by His design.

We were not meant to take the business of the world and fit Christ into its box.

Christ needs to be your center and construct of all things.

I asked the Lord, "Where would You have me use the resources you provided?"

He said:

Humility is to serve and put yourself below. Support [this global outreach organization] as an organization that has humbled itself to serve humanity in My name. Freedom is their reward. Humility leads to freedom.

Fourth step: Do not be silent; let it be known.

Those who are His, by His definition, are part of His body.

Obedience brings forth prosperity. The keys to the kingdom are given to those who are Mine, who seek Me with their whole heart and dedicate themselves to Me.

These are the members of His true church.

And those who are His must be of one mind, body, and soul, standing together as the body of Christ against the enemy and its strongholds.

They must exhort each other and lift up each other in the ways of Christ.

Speak these words of peace to everyone who will hear, scatter the enemy, and break down the walls that hold back God's people!

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