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Tim Baldwin
Part 1: Introduction
Introduction to righteous living that reveals the urgency in the words of Christ to live an "all-in" life for Him. Now is the time to act.

Tim Baldwin
Part 2: Eternal Life
Believing in Jesus as your Savior is just the beginning of journey in righteousness that all must take to have hope for eternal life.

Tim Baldwin
Part 3: Kingdom Living
Kindom living is living a life through Christ; a powerful life of dependence on Him for your guidance and provision.

Tim Baldwin
Part 4: Discipline
Living a righteous life takes discipline in every aspect of your life including your mind, body, and spirit.

Tim Baldwin
Part 5: Hear in Spirit
Hearing from Christ in spirit is not optional for eternal life. All must hear Him to know Him.

Tim Baldwin
Part 6: Worship in Spirit
Worshipping in spirit is an essential part of living a righteous life. And it's not just about praise, worship is about obedience to Him.

Tim Baldwin
Part 7: Discipleship
There's much more to being a disciple of Christ than you may think. Only disciples follow Him and only a few truly know Him.

Tim Baldwin
Part 8: War the Enemy
When you accepted Christ into your life, you automatically enlisted in God's army. Warring the enemy is essential to living righteously.

Tim Baldwin
Part 9: Peace and Glory
Peace and glory work together to make things happen in Heaven and on earth. In peace all things are done and glory is His building blocks.

Tim Baldwin
Part 10: The Bible and The Church
The way of Christ has always been seeking Him in spirit from within. We've lost our way and it happened about 2000 years ago.

Tim Baldwin
Part 11: Heal the Soul
Christ gave us the authority over the enemy and the wisdom that removing the enemy brings health to the body and the soul.

Tim Baldwin
Part 12: The Spirit-Body Connection
There are physical connection points between the spirit and the body where the supernatural occurs.
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