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Part 9: Peace and Glory

Writer's picture: Tim BaldwinTim Baldwin

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

Peace comes from the spirit, the sanctuary of the presence of the Lord. The spirit manifests itself in the natural, but the feeling isn't peace. It is from peace in the spirit that we feel joy and comfort in knowing the provision of the Lord our keeper.

God is our true source of peace, found in the light of His glory. Peace is the foundational manifestation of God's glory.

Peace is not a feeling; it is an elemental power found in the very essence of His glory, His light.

When we scatter the enemy, we release our peace so the enemy has no foothold. But it’s not just the enemy that moves when there is peace.


It is through faith in the supernatural that you have peace in the natural. It is by knowing that through Me, all things are done that power comes and is available to you. In peace, all things are done. Work and move in peace and command glory in My name.

Peace is the cradle of My glory. In peace all things are done. Without peace, nothing is done. Peace is the balance of life and the effervescence of My glory.

Peace and glory are interconnected. When the Lord speaks of His glory in action or “movement”, it is accomplished in peace, literally. Not surprisingly, we are to accomplish all things through Christ, who is the Prince of Peace. It is impossible to walk as a disciple with the supernatural power to get things done without having His peace. Having His peace is synonymous with having Christ in you.

Be a prince of peace; that is how you will be like Christ. For Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and in peace is power, and in power, My will be done.

Having faith to accomplish all things through Christ leads to obtaining the power of His peace. He is saying that in order for things in your life to get done, work, and have movement, you must first receive the power of peace. With peace, you are able to command His glory in His name.

In peace is to have the single mind on Christ. If they are of one mind, then they will have peace. Peace is not imparted but chosen. Glory is imparted when at peace and of single mind on Christ.

Open your heart to Me and deny thine self. Peace comes to those who wait on Me.

How do you get peace? It’s to choose to be single-minded on Christ. There is no room for being double-minded with your thoughts of Christ and selfish ambitions for the world.

The power of peace does not apply to you until you make Christ your entire focus in all that you do.

Are you looking for things to get done? Are you wondering why there is no supernatural movement in your life? Have the mind of Christ, and then glory can be bestowed in your life and in other people’s lives through you.

Glory is the building blocks of My kingdom; it is the foundation of all things. Peace to glory is like the hammer is to the nail. With peace, build in glory. From My glory comes power, and in power movement. Movement of flesh and spirit, healing and prophecy and all forms of gifts of the spirit and the natural. I work in the supernatural and the natural obeys.

The foundation of the universe is simple: Me and My glory of mass. I was the one who formed the stars and created mankind for My glory. I am the crucible of all things.

My glory is the seed of all things. Empty and hollow is this place but great is My glory that makes it; it is no more dense than the space that surrounds it. It is just in a different form of My glory as are the moons and stars and all things in this universe.

In My peace is power, and in My power, glory, and in glory, all of heaven and earth.

Glory is not just a show of honor, it is the mass and density of all things in the natural and supernatural.

Peace and glory work together to get things done.

We do not wield God’s glory of our own power, but we can command that it be put to work. When we command glory from a place of peace, there is movement for work in the flesh, the natural, and in the spirit, the supernatural.


Blessed are peacemakers, for they have prepared for My way, and only sons can prepare the way for the Father. I say to you, only sons will inherit and prosper in the full light of My glory.

Make peace; peace is the foundation of preparation. Peacemakers shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. - Matthew 5:9

How important are peacemakers to the Lord that He would call them sons? It is such a monumental task that it is worthy of inheriting the fullness of His glory!

Command peace, and it will be done through the Holy Spirit according to My will. You do not know what each needs, so speak peace. The Spirit surrounds and provides peace to each as they need. Prepare ye the way of the Lord.

Speak peace; know life. Command peace in every place you go; let it spread like the wings of eagles.

How do you speak peace? Peace comes from the heart; command it and it will flow from you.

Speaking peace, commanding it to flow from your heart, prepares the way for others to be surrounded by God’s glory and receive peace from God's abundance. Disciples prepare the way of the Lord; this is the pathway to life.

Of what is the message of peace but the impartation of My glory that they receive Me in My fullness and depart from their ways. Take heed, all must know My name and My name is Glory.

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