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Writer's pictureTim Baldwin

Part 5: Hear in Spirit

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

My people hear My voice. They hear Me calling out to them. To hear is to know My voice, to receive it and act upon My words as I command. Those who do not hear My voice are not My people.

Should you be personally receiving words from Him through your spirit?

Absolutely, He commands it!

It is impossible to know Him and follow Him if you do not commune with Him.

Being a disciple of Jesus, a Christian, hinges on your ability to hear from the Lord.

Jesus is not of flesh but of Spirit; consume Him and have remembrance.

I am the bread of life, consume Me and be made whole. I am the reconstitution of your soul, the breath of new life to the weary traveler. Feed on Me and do not look back, keep darkness behind you.

Only the Holy Spirit can do the work in you that is necessary for you to be made whole and your path to be straight.

You must feed on Him and hear His words of life; there is no other way.

When I speak, and you listen, we are communing.

The only way to abide in Christ is through the spirit.

Abiding in Christ is not passive; it is constant communication with Him through the spirit.

You are called to have a single mind with Christ, which can only happen by letting wisdom, His truth, permeate your mind and transform it into His.

The heart is the tablet of the word of God.

The heart is the tablet of the word of God. It is the gateway to the soul and the condition of a man. The mind of your heart surpasses the understanding of the mind of your body. Peace resides there and knows all things. Unlock the knowledge of the heart and you will mystify the world. The Spirit holds the key to unlocking the heart's potential.

Truth is in your heart as I speak to your heart. Listen there and not the external, for I am with thee.

Seek Me in all things, see Me in all things, hear Me in all things, for I am in all things, and in doing this, you will find your way.

If a burning bush speaks, would you listen? Hear My voice and obey My commands. Open your heart and mind to Me, and receive My words and fulfill the promises. I am the Lord your God, creator of heaven and earth. Follow Me.

Submerge yourself in My spirit every day. I will not always tell you what you want to know, but I will tell you what you need to hear.

Each day, lay prostrate and receive My word and obey My commands.

Each morning, go to Jesus as the pillar of your salvation and become clean. Go into your day and sin no more. Ask Jesus to reveal himself to you. In faith, know that He is your provider and teacher of all things. He is your teacher; all you need to do is listen and obey.

Christ has said that the word of God is like manna; no matter what part of the bread you eat, it is good for you and is food for your soul.

Does this mean that reading and listening to the Bible fulfills the “hearing” part of obedience?


Only those that are His hear His voice, and He is spirit, so we must hear in spirit.

What did Christ do?

He listened to the Father, in spirit, in everything He did.

What did His early disciples do?

First, they listened to Christ in the flesh and then to Christ through the spirit.

In communicating with Him is how they were known to Him and how they knew how to be obedient.

The same is true for you.

Renew your faith; seek Me through your heart in spirit, not by flesh; not by your eyes or your mind, but through your heart.

Although all are called to be a light in this world, minister His word, and save souls for His kingdom, not all are to take the same path.

What is that path?

You must listen to Him and find out.

The path that Peter, Paul, and the other disciples took was right for them; they did what they heard from Him and were, therefore, obedient.

Doing “things” that we think are good because we reason so or someone else has done them doesn’t necessarily make them right for us.

We each need to hear Him to know His will for us individually.

The Father gifts the Holy Spirit so that you are abled, able to hear and know His will and be servants in His kingdom.

My people listen to me; they obey My will. They do not read and interpret. They seek Me and everlasting life through My word and the preparation of their soul. Seek Me, and eternity is before you. Deny Me and perish. Listen and do, open your hearts to Me, and hear what I have to say. Do not say you act unto Me when you haven’t sought My truth and act upon your own volition.

A personal relationship with Christ can never be achieved through reading, studying, interpreting, or being "taught" the bible.

Your actions can never be pleasing to Him if you haven't sought Him in truth first.

Spend your time wisely. Only by seeking Him and listening to Him in spirit can you get to know Him and have hope for eternity.

Otherwise, He never knew you, and you're acting according to your own will.


To be led by the spirit is to listen to your heart and block out the noise and distractions of this world. To be guided by My words with the willingness to obey. Lack of willingness is a barrier and must be overcome.

To communicate with Me, clear your mind of distraction and listen with your heart. I will speak to you in a still, small voice. My voice comes from deep inside you, not from the back of your mind where your quiet thoughts linger. If it is from Me, it is of Spirit, such is My way. Do not resist; let Me speak freely. Do not let doubt enter your mind; expect to hear from Me. Commit yourself to Me and be patient.

Be still before your God. Do not shake or rock like the heretics do. Be still and know that I am God. Calm your mind and your soul, and be at peace. In peace will be glory, and in glory, I will speak. My word abides in your heart and that is where you must listen. Close off your mind to thought and listen to My voice. It is like a conversation with yourself inside your heart. I will speak plainly and not in parables. It is the time for action and the way to be made clear.

There are always distractions; it is when you choose My voice that I will speak.

All are able to hear Him.

All who seek Him, in truth, will find Him.

All who are His hear His voice.

All who genuinely love Him obey His commands.

When Christ says to “seek Him,” He is saying to listen to Him and act in obedience so that He can lead you.

The Lord speaks to us through glory. But for glory to be present, you must have peace.

Therefore, choose peace and choose His voice so you may hear.

Am I not the voice within? Listen to Me in your heart and make Me your focus. All is done in Me and through Me. Prioritize your day in Me, acting on what I say. I am with you; in My presence, you shall walk. In My presence, you have focus and know My being.

For I am light, walk with Me in the light and see all things; singularity of mind and purpose. You do not know My form, for you have never seen Me. Therefore, focus on My voice and be known to Me, for all who know Me know My voice. All who follow Me are led by My voice. I am calling out; who will hear Me? Where are My disciples in these last days?

After they are set apart, they must be still and listen to Me in order to walk with Me in spirit and for the world to part for them. In Me is order; outside of Me is chaos. I am the light within, knowing all things.

To hear Him, we must first separate from this world, seek Christ, and listen to the words He is saying through the Holy Spirit.

To hear Me, they must set themselves apart for Me. My voice is like the sound of the wind in their ear, quiet and comforting. My voice is a stirring in the heart, a voice calling out. Call out to Me; will I hand you a stone?

Focus on your heart when you meditate on Me and train the eyes of your heart to see.


Being still in meditation takes a toll on the body and the mind. Hearing His words in your heart is the goal of meditating.

Consider the following suggestions:

  1. Go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Making Him the first of your day starts with being intentional the night before. Therefore, be well-rested and awake!

  2. Be in a private, relaxed environment to avoid distractions.

  3. Be in a cool, lit setting. Warm and dark settings often lead to tiredness.

  4. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

  5. Sit on an ergonomic chair or mat with pillows or supports that ease pressure on the ankles, knees, back, and neck and allow freedom of movement into different sitting positions.

  6. Sit upright with a relaxed body and hands on your lap. Feet can be folded (legs crossed) or on the floor.

  7. Keep your eyes closed or open in a fixed gaze.

  8. Keep warm with a blanket. Regulating body temperature and staying comfortable removes distractions.

  9. Have plenty of water to drink.

  10. Fast in the morning until you are finished; feed only on His word.

  11. Take long, slow breaths; feel the breath travel into your lungs. Breaths do not need to be profound; there is no need to over-inflate the lungs.


You may have many questions for Him, but remember, He is the teacher; He is God.

Humble yourself and let your words be few.

When the Lord speaks through your heart, they are written there like a chisel to stone.

Remember that the Holy Spirit brings remembrance of the words He has spoken to you as you live in the spirit.

And He had known you before time began.

You may ask:

“Come Holy Spirit, and immerse me in Your presence.”

Drop your consciousness from the mind in your head to the mind of your heart and cut off all thoughts.

Inhale His breath.

Focus on His voice, not on your imagination.

Sometimes, you may want to start the conversation with your internal voice:

“Lord, what do you want me to know?”

Do not doubt.

Peace, be still.

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