Words from the Lord are in red italics.
Just as your body will take care of itself when you feed your stomach what is right for the day, feed yourself the wisdom of the Lord, and it will be right for you for the day, and you will grow in the Lord according to His will.
Who are you? You are more than just a body; you are a spirit with a soul.
Your soul is the eternal part of you, your eternal personality. When your body dies, you live on in spirit with your soul.
So why do we spend so much time on our bodies and set our minds on worldly ambitions when these things detract from our purpose?
Our bodies are dust, belonging to the earth. But as souls, we are to be citizens of the kingdom of heaven first and foremost, not of any constituency of this world.
Our souls are of God’s spirit and inherently long to be back close to the Father. It is our flesh that we allow to be a barrier, and it is only profitable for you to invest in the condition of your soul.
Is Jesus most important to You?
Your heart doesn’t lie. If you are to be successful in your communication with Him, He must be the heart of your heart.
What you say and do determines what gets done.
The contemplation of your heart determines who you are. In our thoughts, we are to discern what enters our hearts, so our mind is the gateway to the core of who we are.
Therefore, protect your heart and cast out all thoughts unbecoming of a disciple of Christ that have no business stirring in your mind.
Though the mind is limited, the mind of the heart is unbound. Hold all thoughts accountable to God's commands and be single-minded in His ways. Transform your mind with truth, for Christ is truth, and you should seek truth, for it is health and protection for the mind.
Alternatively, lies poison your mind and weaken it in the discernment of righteousness.
In everything you say and do, will and verbalize that you do it, say it, think it for the sake of My name, do it for Me. Keep saying, vocalizing that you’re doing what you’re doing for Jesus. Make it a testament of faith that you are acting, speaking, and thinking in My guidance, from Me and for Me. Then, your heart will learn to live and desire me genuinely and you’ll communicate with me freely.
Your purpose in life, pleasing the Father in obedience, starts with becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ and living daily in the spirit through Christ.
As a disciple, you are to love Jesus so devotedly that you are willing to lay down your own life, take up your cross, and deny your flesh to win souls for His kingdom.
This task is too important to leave to chance.
Therefore, you must prepare earnestly every day.
Preparing to obey His commands must be a high priority. You should do everything in Jesus, for nothing of value is done without Him.
He must be your priority over everything.
Do not fill your mind with garbage, for it will influence your decisions of the day. Instead, set your heart apart for Me, and your mind will follow. I am the wellspring of knowledge and truth, and you are justified in Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am justice and life everlasting. Seek Me, and you will find truth, happiness, forgiveness and mercy, a tender heart, and the keys to the kingdom.
Mind your mind; it will affect your decisions throughout your day.
When you fill your head with information that does not originate from Him, it is detrimental to you.
Instead, set your mind to seek Him, and you will find the prosperity of this life and the next.
You may think you seek Him by reading the Bible and Christian books, attending church, listening to Christian music, etc.
In reality, these may be obstacles if you do not primarily take in Christ in spirit in your daily communication with Him.
When continually immersed in the Holy Spirit, Jesus is there with you, always ready to fellowship.
Listen, and He will speak.
Ask, and He will answer.
Jesus is the source of knowing Him, nothing else.
Jesus is your teacher who will provide the knowledge you need and the instructions you must follow.
Repent, or you must give account. Do not move forward this day without repentance to the One who takes away the sins of the world. So do not seek wisdom and worship while you carry the stain of sin. First, be made clean and seek me with your eyes always on heaven, and do not sin and have peace this day, for I will be with you.
When you receive the Holy Spirit, you become a temple of Jesus Christ. For your praise and worship to be acceptable to Him, you must first clean your temple.
Each morning, go to Jesus as the pillar of your salvation and become clean. Go into your day and sin no more. Ask Jesus to reveal himself to you. In faith, know that He is your provider and teacher of all things. He is your teacher; all you need to do is listen and obey.
If we are to seek Him each day as He commands, we must first remove our sins. Otherwise, our attempts at worship and obedience will not please Him, and we must account for our sins.
Therefore, in all humility, repent; ask that you be made clean by His holy blood. Great is His mercy and love to take away our sins so we can live in His fullness. In reverence, present yourself clean to worship.
Early to bed and early to rise, fasting in the morning and steeped in My word, steeped in the Holy Spirit.
When you are tired, sleep. When you are hungry, eat. Do so such that neither of these impedes your ability to be fed the word of God.
Christ is clear about His expectations for your morning routine. If you are accustomed to staying up late, you will be tired in the morning and not be very receptive to His word.
The stomach is a prison, incarcerating the body. Free yourself from the stomach and deny it what it wants.
Fast, so that your body does not encumber the consumption of His word, which is the bread of life.
Therefore, feed yourself His word before you eat and give Him the first of your day.
When you commit your body to receiving Him every morning, you show the Lord that you genuinely want to receive Him and desire to live for Him.
As often as you can, fast unto the Lord.
Fasting restricts the impediments in the body and clears the way to the soul.
The stomach is a prison that can positively or negatively affect your body.
Free yourself from the stomach and deny it what it wants. Let your flesh consume your flesh, and you will desire less of the world so your spirit may rise.
Can the right leg walk without the left? Therefore, the night must stand for the day, and the day must stand for the night, as the night prepares for the day and the day prepares against the night. Our body is one, and so shall be our mind and soul.
The day is interdependent with the night, as is our mind and body. Waking up early with the right state of mind and body is crucial to the success of your morning with Him.
What about working out physically? It is far better to condition your soul than your body. Therefore, be strong in the might of the Lord.
For what purpose do you build your physical strength? Working in the spirit! Worshipping, releasing peace, warring the enemy, and commanding glory all take a toll on your body.
If you work out vigorously, work out to the Lord. If you seek to eat a healthy diet, seek and eat unto the Lord.
In all things, give thanks, for all is from the Lord and for the Lord. You are a passenger in His kingdom, so honor Him and give Him glory in all that you do.
When you eat My flesh and drink My blood, you are putting on the full armor of God. For I am peace, I am truth, I am righteousness, I am salvation, I am faith, I am the word and the sword that defeats the enemy.
Equip yourself with Christ, the whole armor of God, and eat His flesh and drink His blood in spirit.
Why in spirit?
The early disciples were handed bread and wine as symbols of Christ’s body and blood.
But soon after, Christ became spirit, so we consume Him in spirit as we are to consume His word in spirit.
Put on the full armor of God. Shield yourself with faith. Peace must be your foundation in order to receive Wisdom. Shod your feet with peace. Your belt surrounds you with Truth and restrains you, you are girded by Truth. The spirit destroys with the sword and I build. Your breastplate protects your vitality which is righteousness. Your helmet to protect your mind lest you lose sight of the eternal kingdom. The armor is for your protection in order to receive wisdom properly.
In your prayer room, begin by prostrating before God. In your heart and spirit, be in His temple before His throne of glory.
Immerse yourself in the Holy Spirit, knowing you communicate with Him through the Holy Spirit.
Pray to Him, as an example:
“Come Holy Spirit, fill me so I am overflowing and immersed in You. Father in heaven, glory to You and hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give me this day my daily bread; You are my provider and all I need. Forgive my trespasses as I forgive everyone who has trespassed against me. Do not lead me into temptation and protect me from evil. You are the kingdom, the power, and the glory."
"Grant me Your disposition of grace and forgiveness; slow to anger and quick to forgive. Fill me with Your compassion, love, loving-kindness, gentleness, fortitude, and strength, and keep Your hand on me in righteousness. Father, will in me and work through me this day, that I may be pleasing to You, and glorify Your name."
"Lord Jesus, You are my salvation and have covered my stain with your precious blood. I repent of my sins; clean my stain. I eat your flesh and drink your blood, for you are one with me as I am one with You. Reveal Yourself to me this day and teach me everything I need to know. Thank you, Lord, you are the love of my heart.”
While you pray, keep your heart open to listening to other words that He may have for you to pray.
Rise up and praise Him from your heart. Therefore, praise Him in spirit and truth from the words of your heart. This is how you sing a new song unto the Lord. Glorify the Lord your God!
Armored in Christ, now is the time to listen and receive Wisdom in your heart.
Next up: Part 5: Hear in Spirit