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Writer's pictureTim Baldwin

Part 1: Introduction

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

Provide them with education on living a righteous life.

The Lord has instructed me to document His words and equip the saints.

This 12-part series is essential wisdom, knowledge, and instruction from Christ on living a righteous life in His words.

This education is accompanied by an intensive 3-day program, The Heart of Wisdom, centered on conditioning hearts to hear Him by consuming His wisdom. This is also from Christ.

A quick back story about how I began receiving His words.

Ever since I was a child, I have been the prototypical Christian "believer" who felt I had solid faith, a respectable knowledge of the Bible, and a heart for the Lord.

Recently, my dad was reading a book next to me on my family room couch while visiting from Minnesota. He turned to me and pointed to a short paragraph, “What do you think of this?”

Suddenly irritated, all I heard was, “You need to read this.”

My dad was genuinely curious about my thoughts. But instead of a thoughtful response, he got a backlash of pride-fueled words.

My parents returned home the following day, but my feelings from the night before remained.

Amid my discontent, the words, “I’m not living for eternity,” sprung to my mind.

It was a sobering realization that quickly became a heart-penetrating fear.

I realized that I had been deceiving myself.

I didn't know why at the moment, but I knew I wasn't on the narrow path leading to eternal life.

I desperately needed to seek the Lord.

The next morning, I woke up early and petitioned the Lord to "humble my heart and fill it with Your wisdom, renew my mind with Your truth."

I closed off the thoughts in my mind and began to listen to my heart.

Immediately, a firehose of wisdom started to flow from Him.

I could barely journal His words fast enough.

Even when I took a break for reflection, He would use my thoughts as a teaching moment.

It was apparent that I wasn’t just receiving words; He was renewing my mind from the truth He was writing in my heart.

The first words He spoke to me were: Transform yourself with truth; love will follow.

And then He said:

Just as your body will take care of itself when you feed your stomach what is right for the day, feed yourself the wisdom of the Lord, and it will be right for you for the day, and you will grow in the Lord according to His will.

You must first be transformed to inherit My wisdom. You are right not to spend time in study but to seek My wisdom. Meditate on Me, and I will be your causeway.

Seek wisdom to understand the Word and build a foundation of Truth. Wisdom is like honey on your lips; it is sweeter and more acceptable when you are nourished. Dry, cracked lips desire water to be quenched, but nourished lips desire honey.

To be like Christ is to seek wisdom from the Father. His path was right for Him, and yours will also be defined by Wisdom. There are many types of honey, one more suitable to you than another. In all, wisdom is like the honey that agrees with you most, and surely there is one for you. For wisdom in its form is sweet for every man.

There was no turning back.

Morning after morning, month after month, He poured Himself into Me.

New knowledge, songs, prophecies, and commands followed the abundance of His wisdom.

Why was He telling me all this?

Feed My people and prepare them for the times to come.

He was preparing me to be His disciple and to deliver His message of life in these last days.

The world is not ready for Me; prepare the way.

The time has come for all to prepare for My arrival. Sound the beacon for I am to come.

Prepare the hearts of men for the wicked one attacks. The sword is My word, and My word is on the tongues of My people. Those who have separated themselves from the world for My sake will inherit the kingdom and have everlasting life—woe to those in these days that deny My hand and are disobedient servants. 

He was preparing me to prepare His way.

Live each day as it was your last. Ask yourself, “were you a good and faithful servant today?"  The Lord will not be mocked, nor will His grace. Be steadfast in your day and liken yourself to the words of His wisdom, knowing always that hellfire awaits for those who are disobedient. Live in fear of the Lord each day, for it is your foundation for understanding for the day. Keep your hands and feet busy during the day lest you be tempted by evil.

Jesus has been calling out from the wilderness, but we haven’t heard Him.

In an outpouring of His love and grace for us, He tells us that there isn’t any time left to turn a deaf ear and live by the world’s ways.

The wisdom that I have received is but a portion of His food. It is intended to be fed to those who desire Him and condition their hearts quickly so they may hear from Him in spirit.

Why? Because we must hear Him to know Him and act in obedience to His words if we genuinely love Him; otherwise, we are not His.

These are the words of life.

There is no time left to squander; the Father wants souls in His Kingdom.

Give thanks and rejoice, for the King is coming. He brings good news to those that are His and words of destruction to those that oppose Him. Calamity will strike; I will remove My hand. All will perish who do not obey My word.

The earth is in forbearance; I will not hold back My hand much longer.

Since Christ's original disciples walked the earth nearly 2,000 years ago, the Father has allowed us to live in His grace, immaturely like young children.

But now His hand has grown weary. The peace and protection we have squandered is being lifted from the Earth, for His hand is being removed.

As a result, we are more vulnerable to the enemy than ever. His people must be prepared in peace and rise up as an army warring with the enemy.

Do not look upon your own understanding, for I am with thee. I am your sword and shield, protector of the light. All was created in Me and through Me. The tempest is near; My hand will be upon you in these last days. You shall not hunger, you shall not want, for I am with thee.

Although His hand is being lifted globally, it will remain on those who do not deny it and act on His words as obedient servants.

Listen to Me and act, for the time is near. I am calling out; who will hear? Where are the righteous in these last days? I am calling out from the wilderness afar, hear Me and be righteous. I am calling all that are able, able to perform My will, to listen and obey, to cherish My word.

If we are to succeed, we need to start thinking differently about our lives today and start living entirely for and through Him.

Unfortunately, many have not discerned His word and think they are "believers" of Christ.

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. - John 3:36

Eternal life comes from obedience to the Son.

You are to tend to My fields, which are the people of this planet, and instruct on My ways to keep My commandments and hear and do My will.

Instruct men in the ways of the Lord; to not lean on their own understandings. My ways are not their ways, and the supernatural awaits those who obey Me and do My will. The righteous shall inherit the earth, crowned in glory; they shall walk freely in My power.

The supernatural way isn’t just another term for the constructs of heaven; it applies to His power, which is available here on Earth right now.

The way of the Lord is a gilded path, unobstructed by darkness. It is glory and light, and it is for the few who have discerned the Word and chosen to relinquish this life for hope in Me.

Obeying the will of the Lord unlocks the supernatural to a life beyond the understandings of carnal-minded men, a life on a gilded path of His glory.

Rituals do not show faith; obedience shows faith. It is the heart of a man, not the ritual, that defines his faith. Seek Me with your heart and I will be known to you. Compromise nothing but seek Me fervently in all things—glory in all things unto Me. I am the way and the truth; you must seek Me to know Me. You must be set apart for the Kingdom or the Kingdom will escape you. These are the words that people must know; they must drink them into their hearts. It must be a fertile ground or they will not take nor grow. Fertile ground, is it not peace, surrendering to the Spirit? Be set apart, holy unto Me.

Many believe their faith and rituals sanctify them, but in truth, we are only sanctified in holiness when we are wholly separated from the world unto Jesus.

We cannot live a life of our own volition and think the Lord's promises apply to us, believing that He is guiding our lives while we shut our ears to Him.

Instead, surrender to the Spirit, relinquish your life, and seek Him earnestly. Listen to Him internally from your heart, and drink Him in.

Otherwise, you cannot grow beyond a babe in spirit and will not know Him.

If you relinquish your life to Him, you will have hope for glory through Him.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all things will be added unto you. Be of true heart, mind, and spirit. Do not stop at the surface of Jesus; always be searching and seeking more of Him.

To live a righteous life as God commands, we must first know what righteousness means.

Consider the following definition:

Righteousness (noun)

Conforming to the will of God as to be approved by God, or be pleasing to God.

Your purpose is to be pleasing. Be faithful and persist in Me, all will be shown in light on the appropriate day at the appropriate time; be prepared.

All who enter My Kingdom must be pleasing to Me; none will come with words but with action.

To be approved by God and pleasing to Him, we need to conform to His will, be faithful to Him, and persist in obedience. Not surprisingly, our purpose in life is to please Him.

So, what’s the point of being righteous and pleasing God?

Disobedience to God is sin, and sin leads to death, so obedience to God leads to eternal life.

And what does God call those who would enter His Kingdom? He calls them “My People”.

My people need to stand strong and not submit to the ways of the world. Righteousness will follow obedience.

God wants us to understand that His ways are not the world’s ways, and the world’s ways are sinful. We must not submit to sin; we need to stand firm in His words if we are to receive the Kingdom.

Yes, we live in the world. But we are more than flesh residing on Earth.

Like Earth's gravity, the ways of this world bring us down, enticing us to live contrary to God's way of living.

God is saying that we need to defy the world and be separate from it to be obedient. We need to be obedient to Him in order to be considered righteous in His eyes.

Go forth this day and do not sin, but be a beacon of light and go forth in righteousness.

Part of the Good News is that out of love for us, God made it possible for us to have victory over sin by sacrificing His Son, Jesus, to propitiate our sins.

Jesus paid the price with His life and His blood so we have the opportunity to be glorified in heaven.

The fact is, only by living through Christ in spirit and obedience can we make it to heaven.

You must discipline yourself to constantly seek and live through Him.

Guide others to Me; I will show them their footsteps as I have shown you yours.

Living a Righteous Life is hope from Christ for your salvation.

It is for His people to be equipped to live righteously in the eyes of the Father.

Within His words, you will discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, His disciple.

Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? - Galatians 3:3

My disciples are waiting on instructions, instructions to create more disciples, but they do not know what to do. Give them the training and I will perfect Myself within them.

He is not looking for you to be perfect in the eyes of the world but to take Him in so He can perfect Himself within you.

He is looking for disciples to be like Him and, in doing so, create more disciples.


In all humility, the information in Living A Righteous Life is more vital to you than the sun in the sky.

Without the sun, your flesh would surely die.

Without acting on His commands, your soul will surely perish.

Few people who consider themselves a "Christian" walk in righteousness, righteousness according to Christ.

God's grace will not be mocked.

In His grace, Christ has been calling out to all who would listen.

From the wilderness, He cries: Where are the righteous in these last days?

I implore you to put everything else in your life aside, listen to Him, and straighten your mind to act on His words.

Frankly, there is nothing else.

Know that He did not give us His commands to cast a shadow over us.

He did it so we could have hope for eternal life.

Christ is saying that we are already headed toward perdition, and our only hope for eternal life is through Him.

In Living a Righteous Life, He explains what it means to live "through Him."

In all this time since Christ's sermon on the mount, few have discerned His word.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Christ said this, as recorded in Matthew 7:13-14.

He is shouting it now!

You must not rest on your assumptions, thoughts, interpretations, reasonings, doctrines, or your understanding of God's grace.

In Matthew 7:21-23, Christ further explains why many people will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!

Many in the Christian faith think that the "broad gate" refers to non-believers, or possibly those who aren't baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, or confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Assuredly, those who enter the "broad gate" of destruction did not do the will of the Father and never knew Christ.

So, are you living the will of the Father, and do you honestly know Christ?

Are you on that narrow path of righteousness?

Is this list of commandments true in your life?

  1. You have taken your life to the cross: You have denied yourself, given up everything for Christ, and walk with Him in spirit.

  2. You listen/consume Christ in spirit from within your heart.

  3. You have set your mind on Christ.

  4. You long to spend time with Him, always seeking more of Him.

  5. You act on the commands that He says to you.

  6. You follow His ways.

  7. You behave like a soldier in His army.

  8. You live to be pleasing to the Father.

  9. You win souls for the kingdom: those who love Him by following Him in obedience.

Difficult, but not impossible.

Only by living through Him can eternal life be possible.

Christ continues in Matthew 7:24-27 ...

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.

Where do you stand?

Stand on hope for eternity by living these essential words from Christ.

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