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Writer's pictureTim Baldwin

Part 11: Heal the Soul

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

Shall you drink of My cup? Lay down your burdens at My feet. Turn over your sickness to Me. Have faith in My name and My name alone.

Regarding healing, you are to do as I instruct. Healing comes from My power, and I will heal as I please. Do not assume this is always done in faith; instead, have faith in Me, who orders all things.

Christ gave us the authority over the enemy and the wisdom that removing the enemy brings health to the body and the soul.

Yet even with our power over sin by the blood of Jesus, we do not command God’s healing power; instead, we let His power do the work, as He decides, and keep our faith in Him.


Plant [prophesy] the seeds of life into your brethren. Awaken the soul within. Bind the darkness and let forth the light. Glory is the seed of life from which all things grow.

Rise up seeds of glory and take down the tares from the seeds of infirmity. Glory, rise up, and destroy the enemy. Faith, protect until the healing is done and the enemy is scattered.

The more the enemy is defeated, the healthier our world will be. Health is the eradication of the enemy.

His words read as a prayer for us to remove the enemy from our brethren by speaking seeds of glory into their souls.

As budding seeds, light will overcome the darkness, healing will commence, and the enemy cannot remain while the power of God restores their souls.

In My peace is power, and in My power, glory, and in glory, all of heaven and earth.

Healing comes from being in My spirit. Glory is the building blocks of My kingdom; it is the foundation of all things. Peace to glory is like the hammer is to the nail. With peace, build in glory. From My glory comes power, and in power movement. Movement of flesh and spirit, healing and prophecy, and all forms of gifts of the spirit and the natural. I work in the supernatural and the natural obeys.

The living water flows in you and must flow through you outwardly to heal, cleanse, and baptize.

Which is better, gifts that heal the world or gifts that heal the spirit?

Heal the soul, cleanse the flesh.

All forms of gifts of the spirit are intended to heal the spirit in the supernatural.

But as the natural obeys what the supernatural does, healing occurs in the natural as well.

Set your sights on Godly things so that your days are multiplied and your health increased.

Therefore, focus on healing the soul and the spirit.

Being immersed in His spirit is the key to healing the body, soul, and spirit.

There is movement from the power that is released from His glory when peace is released outwardly from your heart.

Speak His word and release peace.

When immersed in His spirit, you are surrounded by His glory, and it is available for the gifts of the spirit and the natural (including healing the body).

All sin afflicts the body and the spirit. Putting down sin releases the spirit and allows a life led by the intuition of the spirit versus reason of the mind. The spirit should drive the mind and be subject. It is I who tell you these things; heed My word. Take up your cross, put down sin, and follow Me. There is healing in mercy and healing in obedience to My word.

When was flesh ever life? Was it not just animated through the spirit? Is not the soul the life of a man? What is it to the Lord that the flesh may perish when it is already dead? That which is invisible is more important than that which is visible in this world. For God is spirit and man is spirit, and until the flesh is put down, man cannot enter the everlasting. Did not Christ come as the physician to heal the sick? Is not our sickness sin and our bodies the cage of our iniquities? Jesus died that we may have life everlasting beyond this earthly grave, free from the perils and bondage that afflict our souls. It is the soul that He loves, it is the spirit that rises, and it is our bodies that all come from dust and return to the same. Therefore, think not of the flesh and give no weight to when it perishes, for it is already dead. For life is in His breath, and His breath is spirit.

When the body sins, the soul darkens, and the spirit is emptied. Continuous sin empties the soul, and only by the light of the spirit can it be remade. For the spirit is life, and the soul is tenuous, tossing from to and fro. Purity of heart restores balance, and peace can settle in. It is this balance that the spirit restores life to the soul and awakens the heart once again.

Sin gets in the way of healing.

Removing sin, or "putting down" sin, releases the oppression it has on our souls and bodies; it is manifest in both.

Surely, by His mercy, we can be healed.

But we can also be healed when we are obedient to Him by removing sin and no longer sinning.

Taking up your cross is dying to yourself and living by His ways, moving in the spirit rather than by reason of the mind.

Strive to be pure at heart, looking to Him in all things so there can be balance that comes from peace.

Peace does the work.

These times require a surgeon, a heart surgeon, to change their hearts toward Me. Heal, and the sick will be sick again. Transform their hearts for Me, and they will have eternity.

My concern is for the condition of their soul when they leave their bodies. All should consider the judgment seat in all that they do. No one goes to the Father except through Me. It is time for them to refocus their minds on Me, and I will carry them through these tumultuous times. I am the wayfarer in the darkness to come. I am all things, and all things shall come back to Me, as it is written.

It is not the condition of your body that is important but the condition of your soul. You are sick away from Christ, be healthy in Him, and all will be well for you.

The Son of Man has come to make you whole, not in the natural, but whole unto Him in the spirit. First, be made whole in the spirit, and then the natural will obey. This is the way of My Father and the way to eternal life in Me.

What is important to the Lord?

Healing souls, healing transgression, and transforming hearts centered on Him so eternity does not escape them.


While immersed in the Holy Spirit, ask the Father in truth:

“Come, Holy Spirit, surround us and fill us. Father, forgive our transgressions; we repent unto You. Your will be done. Our faith is in You as You order all things and own all glory. We ask for healing of the body and soul, as it pleases You, in the name of Your Son, Jesus.”

Peace is the foundation of His power and the cradle of His glory. Let peace flow from your heart. The enemy cannot keep a foothold in an environment of peace.

“Peace to you. Receive seeds of glory; glory rise up and conquer sin! Enemy, flee; you have no power here. All that is unclean flee in the name of Jesus. Sin, be cast out, and let the spirit rise, unweighted, and receive glory from the Father. Thank you, Father, glory to Your holy name.”

Will the Lord heal the body?

The Father heals as He pleases; we do not wield His power and do not define His outcomes.

Will the Lord heal the soul?

The goal of healing in the natural is that people wonder at the power of the one true God and choose a life of righteousness, healing their souls.

But as the Lord says, the entrance to heaven is narrow, so even those healed often fall away from Him.

Even so, we press on in faithfulness so that others may be glorified in heaven.

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