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Writer's pictureTim Baldwin

Part 12: The Spirit-Body Connection

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. - Acts 1:8

Have you ever considered how we hear in the spirit and how we feel the spirit of God?

What about other functions of the supernatural, such as visions and healing power?

How did the disciples “receive” this power?

Where does Jesus “live” within us?

When we “release” our peace, where did it reside?

It turns out that there are physical connection “points” between the spirit and the body where the supernatural occurs.

My voice comes from deep inside you, not from the back of your mind where your quiet thoughts linger. If it is from Me, it is of spirit; such is My way.


Does God communicate in spirit through our hearts?

See with your heart, not figuratively, as your heart has a brain. Your heart-brain has a function for the supernatural; it is where visions come from and I dwell. Focus on your heart when you meditate on Me and train the eyes of your heart to see. This is where you hear My voice and plant from the firmament. Tune your heart to Me, and it will be My resting place where I will dwell. It is your heart that speaks to you as I dwell in your heart.

With the eyes of the heart, see. With the ears of the heart, listen. And if the heart didn't have a mind, how does it understand what it sees and hears? Feed your heart wisdom, and it will know all things.

The Lord has revealed that our hearts are the center of our bodies.

Our hearts are surrounded by neurons and neurotransmitters, another brain that communicates with our minds(1).

These cells have supernatural functions in addition to bodily functions.

In the natural, our brains talk to each other about emotions and bodily controls such as heart rate and blood pressure.

But in the supernatural, they talk words of life from the Utmost High.

Seek Me, and you will find Me. In the shroud of your heart lies everlasting peace.

So, where is Jesus in you?

In the neurons that shroud, or sheath, your heart.

Speak peace where you go and watch the world change around you. Peace is the fabric of life, the balance of My creation. Peace brings forth, nothing can stand against.

Peace leaves you from your heart when you speak it. Therefore, physically strengthen your heart so you can withstand and endure your calling.

Peace resides where everything else in your body that is of the supernatural, in the shroud of your heart.

Speaking peace, or releasing peace from you, is key to warring the enemy and creating balance in this world.

And when there’s the balance of peace, His glory may rain, and His work gets done!

Like other forms of work, releasing peace takes a toll on your body, so you must take physical care of your heart to endure your daily walk in Christ.

1. “The Hearts Little Brain”. Thomas Jefferson University, April 19. 2022


He [the Spirit of Truth] will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. - John 16:13-15

How do I speak to you now?  It is through light, the light of glory.  I do not mean figuratively but literally the light of glory, it surpasses all understanding and space and time.

I am the light at your center; this is your peace and fortitude. I radiate words from your center to your mind, and your mind obeys. Light is not just a figurative word for Me; I am light.

Your heart is the gateway to your soul, its proxy, just as your mind is the gateway to your heart. Purify your heart and it is good for your soul. In your spirit, your soul abides, so your spirit is the container of your soul. When your heart is filled with peace, your soul is at rest, and your spirit is free to commune with Me. Feed your heart and, in turn, nutrition your soul. Truth aligns all of your being to me, your heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit. In heaven, your soul abides in glory and is in no need of the proxy of your heart, for you are now all in spirit, and glory fills the space.

The heart is the tablet of the word of God. It is the gateway to the soul and the condition of a man. The mind of your heart surpasses the understanding of the mind of your body. Peace resides there and knows all things. Unlock the knowledge of the heart, and you will mystify the world. The Spirit holds the key to unlocking the heart's potential.

The heart is the gateway to the soul and the link between realms, the natural and supernatural.

We know the communication path from His words:

  1. The Lord speaks

  2. The Holy Spirit listens and speaks to our spirits

  3. Our hearts have neurons (nerve cells) that connect our spirits with our flesh. Our spirits contain our souls and relay words from the Holy Spirit to our center.

  4. Our hearts are connected to our minds, and His words are radiated to our minds as our minds are subject to His words.

Truth is in your heart as I speak to your heart. Listen there and not the external, for I am with thee.

Although our hearts communicate with our minds, we must listen in our hearts to hear Him.


Body and soul

Prepare your heart for Christ.

That is, prepare the cells in your heart and your spirit that resides in them.

Exercise your heart and search it for Me in spirit, and your cells will increase, and greater will be your abilities in the supernatural. Exercise your heart in the physical and spirit; prepare your house for Me.

Exercise in the spirit?

Exercise your soul?


Searching for Christ in your heart, your spiritual heart.

Like scanning a document with your eyes, scan your heart for Him.

Would you rather feed your body or feed your soul? Feeding your soul also increases your [cell] functions but in different ways than food nutrition. Exercise your body and your soul and keep your spirit functions fit to communicate with Me. I am within, your source of life here and in the next.

Continuous searching for Him and listening to Him improves your communication with Him.

Increase your abilities to talk with him (bi-directionally) when you exercise your soul.

Keep your soul fit!

It's just like working out your body with weights.

The more you do, the stronger it gets.

This applies to the mind, body, and soul.


Fasting helps to regulate oxygen [to the cell], creating balance.

Water-only fasting resets the body, allowing the body to minimize its time for digestion and focus on other important things.

Fasting is a discipline of defying the flesh, letting God know that you're not dependent on your physical food but on Him as the bread of life.

But fasting also improves oxygen absorption and removes obstacles/toxins, creating the balance that our spirit-harboring cells need to keep our spirit functions fit.

And it's a great way to burn fat. = )


Strengthen your heart, for wisdom takes a toll, and knowledge comes at a price.

Peace holds knowledge from even before time began.

Wisdom and knowledge are obtained through your heart in communication with Him.

As the Holy Spirit holds the key to unlocking knowledge from the peace that resides in your heart, you must listen there for knowledge from the supernatural.

Therefore, we need to keep our bodies and souls fit to endure in Him so we can grow in wisdom and knowledge.

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