Words from the Lord are in red italics.
Adversity will come to your door, but you will triumph in Me. There is always victory in Me. I am the way and the light of the world; make Me your reality. All of heaven and earth will come to assist you. Great is the power within thee.
What is Kingdom Living?
If you lived in God’s kingdom as a child of the King, would you have any unmet needs?
What would you have to do to earn your provision?
Kingdom living on earth, in the natural, is about living supernaturally by purposing your life for Him so He can lead you and provide for you.
It is about making Him your reality, not the ways of the world, for He is the light of the world.
Be of one mind, one purpose, one soul. Eat out of My hand.
We, collectively, are to be of one mind, purpose, and soul for Christ, all dependent on Him.
You, individually, must be of one mind, purpose, and soul with Christ to be under His provision.
What can man accomplish on his own accord? There is nothing without Me. I am the truth and the life; no one goes to the Father but through Me. I am kingdom come, I am will be done; I am peace and prosperity in all things.
We cannot accomplish going to the Father without Christ.
But to discern His message fully, we must make our will His will.
We must make His life our life to know peace and prosperity in all things.
Seek Me and you shall find everything you need. If it is not of Me it will fail. Dollars do not measure My abundance. Love, joy, and peace; these are of value and offered freely to those in Me. Love, joy, and peace; these are the currencies of the kingdom.
People are intended to live according to the ways of God’s kingdom.
Technology was created as a prosthetic to what was supposed to be if we had listened to God and not atrophied His Kingdom. The trees and earth fed us, now we rely on technology instead of God. God has allowed it and man has set his mind to it versus Kingdom power. Would we be better as people if our arms and legs were simple prosthetics versus being whole human? All things prosthetic will fall away. Focus on the essentials of human living in kingdom living.
When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened to the knowledge of good and evil. The first act they did was to make clothes for themselves.
What happened?
They disobeyed God and then set their minds on being clothed out of a newly perceived need that their sin created … nakedness.
Mankind has spiraled on the same course ever since, setting their minds and ambitions on worldly endeavors, separating themselves from God.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. - Matthew 6:33
God’s intention to provide for all of your needs is clear.
Your heavenly Father knows your needs.
When you seek His righteousness, you will find that what you actually need and what the world has led you to believe you need are very different.
Simplification and freedom in your life occur when you begin to seek His righteousness through Jesus-centered discipline.
Before Jesus did anything, He communicated with His Father in spirit, in the supernatural, and then it was manifested in the natural.
All His supernatural acts, from forgiveness of sin to the performance of signs and wonders, were done according to the Father’s will and then revealed on earth.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:9-10
What He purposed to do on earth in the natural will first be done in His kingdom in the supernatural. Just as Jesus did on earth, we must also work in the supernatural.
We do not battle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12
If we are to battle against wickedness in the heavenly places, should we not do other work for God in the supernatural as well?
In the natural, we physically plant seeds and then wait while the seeds mysteriously become a crop in the time of their season.
Likewise, in the supernatural, we “plant seeds” or prophesy in heaven to be completed in His perfect timing.
Our supernatural work is done in the planting, the heavy lifting of creating the seed, cultivating the seed in heaven, and God does the realization of the crop on earth.
How is this done?
In communication with the Father, in spirit, He tells you a command, the seed, which in turn you command to be planted in heaven.
Therefore, seeds in heaven are not created by your will but by God’s will, sprung forth from Him.
You are to sow in faith of God’s will (His will be done) and have patience for the seed to become a crop (His kingdom come).
If we are to labor this way, then what of the harvest?
That which Jesus had labored for was done so that others may benefit.
Likewise, from your labor of discipline and seeding, others will harvest the benefit.
One sows and another reaps. - John 4:37
What if you were commanded to harvest?
The miracles performed through the Holy Spirit were not completed until the recipients took action in faith: “Stand up on your feet, " “Wash Your Eyes,” “Rise up and walk,” etc.
The supernatural includes all the gifts of the spirit and is powered by His peace and glory.
Therefore, the supernatural occurs in a state of glory achieved by His anointing and impartation of His glory through worship and obedience.
Put no credence to doing things for My sake if it is of your will. Originate in the spirit and obey My word, this is pleasing to Me and a life well lived.
A life in Jesus is the highest happiness and fulfillment beyond any other satisfaction.
Steeped in the Holy Spirit, you can access Jesus as a friend, teacher, and guide whenever you ask.
In spirit, you walk with Jesus in hand, and He orders your way as peace creates order in all things.
Instead of reasoning in your mind and being led by external influences, you seek internal words from Him, listening to Him through the Holy Spirit, so you make guided decisions and actions.
This is what is meant by being guided by Christ.
Earthly desires and ambitions seem foolish, and thoughts of Jesus stay at the forefront of your mind.
You discern your time, opportunities, and decisions by how they align with Jesus's will rather than personal profit.
Your heart swells with worship no matter where you are or what you do, day and night.
You desire personal relationships that feed your desire for more of Jesus.
You realize that you are completely dependent on Jesus for everything you need and, therefore, anxious for nothing.
You will never know peace like the peace of living for Jesus.
Nothing compares to being a disciple of Jesus.
Prepare, prepare, prepare in Jesus, giving all of yourself to him.
Stand up and be counted; your life will be changed for eternity.
Living in Jesus means that the mind and body follow the spirit in communication through the Holy Spirit.
Instead of reasoning with your mind, your mind is being instructed by the spirit, so your decisions are prompted by spiritual intuition.
“Lord Jesus, I surrender to you. My way is with You on your footpath of compassion. Meekness and humility are my badges as the Father shines His glory on my path. I will not look to the left or to the right, for I may stumble, so I keep my eyes on You until this realm has passed behind me.”
Do not worry of things to come, for I will show your way.
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? - Matthew 6:26
So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? - Matthew 6:28-30
Be patient.
People get impatient and forget that the Father is Jehovah-Jireh, their God, the provider of everything.
Do not let anxiety influence your decisions to do something apart from God’s instruction.
If we are to listen to the Lord and obey, we must let Him do the work.
Although it may seem hard to sit back and wait when you feel you are at a crossroads in life, that is exactly what you must do.
Wait for God to make it happen.
Doing God’s will means listening to God about everything and then following the course that He has set out for you.
His timing is perfect.
When the Lord says to wait on Him, He literally means to wait.
Waiting isn’t just the time you take to listen; it is also a restraint from taking action. It is holding back until He tells you what you should do and often until He does it for you.
This is how we live through Him, by having faith and letting Him do it.
Make way the way of the Lord. Do not haste; time is of the essence. Be of true spirit and take heed the words I say. Do as I say, and all will be well with you. I am the way, the truth, and the life; choose life. Follow me, and all will be provided. Follow me and lead a king's way. You eat from the living tree; there is no going back. Partake in me, and I will show you the way. It is I who set the stones on the earth; it is I who part the sea. There is no task too big or too small to move forward My kingdom on Earth. Be as the sparrow and the lily, they neither work nor toil, yet I provide. Rely on me for all your needs. I am the way to the Father; no one goes to Him but through Me. Is there a better trophy than heaven? Keep your eyes on Me lest you stumble.
Therefore, live your day in the intuition of the Spirit, talking with Christ, walking with Christ as He leads you through the day.
Listen to Him in your heart throughout the day and act on His words.
This is the pathway of righteousness that leads to God’s glory. When Christ leads the way, the world obeys.
What about planning, buying, and saving?
Who is in control of your day, you or the Father?
You can live intuitively in the spirit each day and allow the Father to will in you and work through you.
You can surrender to His control and not worry about how you will live tomorrow, let alone years from now.
Do not store up; put your resources to use with the time you have. It is short, and you must act fast, for mighty is the blow that comes to the unprepared.
Why are you saving? What are you investing in?
Do you believe the Father only provides for you today and will not provide for you in the future?
I say to you, He is enough for you, and what He provides you today is enough for today.
He knows your needs tomorrow and will provide for you if you hope and act in faith, as a child does in his father.
It may seem counterintuitive to not store up your resources - if you’re thinking in the way of the world.
But as the world rapidly approaches the end of this age, investing in Him is the only way you’ll be prepared for what is to come.
You neither own nor create but are gifted all things; you only reap and sow. Your very life is gifted from Him as spirit and goes back to Him from which it came. Glory nor power are yours to wield without Him and through Him all things were made. You covenant with men which means nothing; only God’s covenants have purpose, meaning and worth.
People seek to own things and property; why? Out of a sense of security?
What does He tell you to do?
Do not reason with yourself that your actions are for His sake if it is your will.
Seek Him in spirit, listen to Him and obey, and then you will see.
Store up treasure in heaven; there is only value there.
What about legacy?
Is the Father God not your children’s Father as well?
Is a life in Christ, seeking Him in all things, not best for everyone?
Can glory be earned? Can the fruits or tools of the spirit be earned or are they freely given? If that of the spirit is greater than that of this world, aren't the tools of this world freely given to His children as well? Therefore do you need to earn money to have the means or utility to serve the Father? Walk in truth, act in truth, and be counted into the kingdom. Great and mighty are His ways. You eat fruit though you do not know the mystery of how, such as with earth as it is in heaven. Do not be heavy-laden over this; it was so since time began and is the way life is supposed to function. Those who choose the law shall live by the law. Likewise, those who choose freedom in Christ and truth shall live freely in truth and rejoice in His ways which are pure and absolute. Given the choice, would you labor for your provision or seek Me instead?
The Father doesn’t want your worthless money; He wants you to know His son, obey Him, and serve Him from your heart.
He wants your fealty: your commitment to stand and fight for His ways.
Do not be deceived into believing that making money as a means to serve the Father is righteous.
Anything other than God’s will is a sin and, thereby, a detriment to you, no matter how benevolent it may seem.
The bottom line is that if you want to live by money, money will be the fruit of your labor and reward.
If you choose the law, you will live by it.
What else do you rely on outside of Him?
You are given a choice: will you seek Him for your provision or rely on yourself?
This is a big step, but know there is no partial way.
You can’t live under His freedom and provision if your actions are the ways of the world.
Take up your cross and abandon thy self; this is My way and your future. The promises are for those who serve Me and My Father. Serve Me, and do not get left behind.
You must first abandon yourself and live by His will if you are to receive the promises that God has made to His people.
His promises are dependent on your obedience.
The righteous shall inherit the earth; the meek shall survive. A servant fears the master and knows of his ways. A son knows the mind of his father and loves his father; they are of like mind. A son shall inherit from the father, and the servant shall survive. A son is of prophecy and a servant is of the day, knowing his task for the day.
His strength, rest, care, provision, favor, knowledge, and protection, the gifts from a father to a son, all apply to those who live by Him, the light within, in righteousness.
For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. There remains, therefore, a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. - Hebrews 4:8-11
It is not enough to fear Him and know of His ways; the favor of sonship comes from knowing and living in the mind of the Father in obedience.
Kingdom living is “sonship living,” a supernatural life of hope, favor, and destiny.
Next up: Part 4: Discipline