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Wisdom Course: Introduction

Writer's picture: Tim BaldwinTim Baldwin

Words from the Lord are in red italics.

My mother was asked to lead a course at a church in Minnesota. During her preparation, she asked the Lord what He wanted her to say.

When she approached the church leadership with the words she had received, she was met with opposition and asked to consider a course from the bible, like the Book of John.

What did the Lord say she should talk about? A personal relationship with Him.

Here are the words that the church missed:

If we truly want a relationship and fellowship with Christ, these words will be like a seed, and our hearts will be fertile; we will grow in wisdom, knowledge, and communion with Him.

If we do not have the desire for His intimacy, this seed will not take root. His word is the seed; if the heart is receptive, it will receive it and produce life. We may have to survey our hearts: are they fertile for the seed He is giving us?

The heart is where His voice comes from. He speaks to the heart and illuminates the mind. Listen with your heart! Do not rationalize the seed; this word needs to be experienced. Teaching cannot speak to authenticity. How do you teach someone to have an authentic heart that longs to be in the presence of Christ when you don’t know if they are genuinely seeking or caring? Something takes place in the heart of a man that can not be done on its own, but only by the influence of My spirit.

Do not miss these words. We need to experience the Holy Spirit speaking in our hearts by listening to Him.


Pour out the Wisdom you have received onto My people.

The Heart of Wisdom is an immersive, in-person, 3-day training program of consuming the Lord’s wisdom to condition people’s hearts to hear Him in spirit.

Why? Because we must hear Him in spirit and commune with Him to know Him. We must know His personal instructions and will for our lives.

Consider this Program “immersion learning,” and these words of Wisdom like a drink of water.

Although we do not know how, water flows into the body and goes where it is needed. When we drink in Wisdom, He will flow through to the body of people and provide them with what they need; the Holy Spirit will do the necessary work within us.

Wisdom, it is to be consumed. Feed yourself first and then feed others. The time has come when all must partake of Him or perish.

These are His words of life today.

In an outpouring of His love and grace for us, He is telling us that there isn’t any time left to turn a deaf ear and live by the world’s ways. There is no time left; the time has come, and these are the last days.

Teach them to know My will. Without knowing My will, they are lost. Faith alone cannot save them; they must discover and act on My will.

The Wisdom is but a portion of His food; it is intended to be both a tool for hearing and for transformation so we may know His will and live as true followers of Christ.

Wisdom resides in your heart and transforms who you are. Wisdom will flow from you; let it sink into the hearts of My people.


Share the news that I have given you to the embattled nation; they need to hear My words. Speak, and they shall listen. For unto Me is a sword covered in flames that will burn at the hearts of men. For unto Me is salvation at your hand, bring it to the nations.

Babes in the Lord must be fed wisdom before they can eat of themselves. Speak, and it shall be heard. I am the promise to the people; that through Me, they may have eternal life. I am the way, truth, and the life, and I am justice. Justice of the word of God. All things shall break on the stone of the Word; all things shall be revealed as they truly are.

These are the words for My people. This is what must be taught to a babe so I can teach in spirit and truth. Write My words on their hearts.

No matter how much you have read about Him, talked about Him, or listened to others talk about Him, you will only be a babe in Christ if you do not hear Him.

Just as your body will take care of itself when you feed your stomach what is right for the day, feed yourself the wisdom of the Lord, and it will be right for you for the day, and you will grow in the Lord according to His will.

For I am light, walk with Me in the light and see all things: singularity of mind and purpose. You do not know My form, for you have never seen Me. Therefore, focus on My voice and be known to Me, for all who know Me know My voice. All who follow Me are led by My voice.

You can only grow in Christ when you listen to Him and obey; He must be your teacher in spirit and truth. To be known by Him, you must commune with Him.

Listen to Me and act, for the time is near. I am calling out; who will hear? Where are the righteous in these last days? I am calling out from the wilderness afar, hear Me and be righteous. I am calling all that are able, able to perform My will, to listen and obey, and to cherish My word. Who are the chosen few?

Next up: Course Guide

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