All words in italics are from the Lord.
PART 1 (P1)
P1.1 Just as your body will take care of itself when you feed your stomach what is right for the day, feed yourself the wisdom of the Lord, and it will be right for you for the day, and you will grow in the Lord according to His will.
P1.2 Of what purpose do you build your strength? If you exercise, exercise unto the Lord. If you seek to eat a healthy diet, seek and eat unto the Lord. In all things, give thanks for all is from the Lord and for the Lord. You are but a passenger in His kingdom, so give Him honor and glory in all things.
P1.3 It is not the condition of your body that is important but the condition of your soul. You are sick away from Christ, be healthy in Him and all will be well for you.
P1.4 The son of man has come to make you whole, not in the natural, but whole unto Him in the spirit. First, be made whole in the spirit, and then the natural will obey. This is the way of My Father and the way to eternal life in Me.
P1.5 You must first be transformed to inherit My wisdom. You are right to not spend time in study but to seek My wisdom. Meditate on Me, and I will be your causeway. Know thine Word and know thine power.
P1.6 Feed your body what it needs and feed your soul what it needs. In a euphoric state, the body and mind are more open to wisdom: the teaching of the soul, not fettered by the clamoring of this world.
P1.7 Your mind, body, and soul are all made of His glory, each in measure and form to do its function. From your toenails to your hair, all of God's glory.
P1.8 In all you do, you either honor Me or not; it is either good for you or destructive; there is no in-between. All of you is interconnected.
P1.9 Seek, and you will find. Listen, and you will hear. I am enough for your day. In time, everything else will become bland, as does your taste for things your body does not need when you nourish your body.
P1.10 Preparing the body is a minor thing. There are many ways to prepare the mind and body to receive the wisdom of the Lord. Therefore, set your sights on Godly things so that your days are multiplied and your health increased. Abundance will flow when you walk in the light. I will provide; creation is from Me, and power and glory.
P1.11 Preparedness also comes with discipline of the body so you may practice what you preach and be qualified before God. Walk with eyes on heaven, for that is the prize. Keep your eyes on the prize, the prize that will last for eternity.
P1.12 We are to look to His glory, keeping our eyes on the prize. The prize is our bodies glorified in His presence. Know that all things came from His glory and manifested in that which was needed: the armaments of God, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit are all from God's glory. Peace, hope, happiness, and joy are all manifestations of His glory, each to their measure. When we are glorified, we will see things as they truly are, and they are of one.
P1.13 Glory is life. Life on earth draws from His Glory, each in measure. Our spirits are of glory. We do not give back glory to God because He lacks glory, for He is ever abundant. We do it out of reverence, for that is the best we can give, which is that of Himself. When a child gives a gift to his father, is his father not inclined to give to his child in abundance? So is it with your Father God. Give glory in reverence and receive abundant glory in its fullness in all of its manifestations.
P1.14 As a child we are excited to give presents to our parents, a pure token of our love. It doesn't matter how abundant we are of things, anything from your loving child is a pure delight. When we receive such gifts we are compelled to give even more to our child from our own abundance. Such as it is with the Father who is truly abundant in need of nothing who generously gives back from the token of our love for Him. Focus on your love for Him; always expressing glory to the name of the Lord on high. Loving child, His glory comes freely and abundantly back to you. Be anxious for nothing, sayeth the Lord.
P1.15 Seek Me in all things, see Me in all things, hear Me in all things, for I am in all things, and in doing this, you will find your way.
P1.16 Seek wisdom to understand the Word and build a foundation of Truth. Wisdom is like honey on your lips, sweeter and more acceptable when you are nourished. Dry, cracked lips desire water to be quenched, but nourished lips desire honey.
P1.17 To be like Christ is to seek wisdom from the Father. His path was right for Him and yours will also be defined by Wisdom. There are many types of honey, one more suitable to you than another. In all, wisdom is like the honey that agrees with you most, and surely there is one for you. For wisdom in its form is sweet for every man.
P1.18 Put on the full armor of God. Shield yourself with faith. Peace must be your foundation in order to receive Wisdom. Shod your feet with peace. Your belt surrounds you with Truth and restrains you; you are girded by Truth. The spirit destroys with the sword and I build. Your breastplate protects your vitality, which is righteousness. Your helmet to protect your mind lest you lose sight of the eternal kingdom. The armor is for your protection in order to receive wisdom properly.
P1.19 When you eat My flesh and drink My blood, you are putting on the full armor of God. For I am peace, I am truth, I am righteousness, I am salvation, I am faith, I am the word and the sword that defeats the enemy.
P1.20 Is not the sword mightier than the hand? Cast off your fears and follow Me. You are a chosen generation. Seek Me and you shall find Me. Remove the veil from your eyes and you will see. Vision comes from an abundance of truth.
P1.21 In all your thoughts consider if they are in alignment with the Word. If they do not stand the test of fire, cast them out so you do not stumble. In all your actions consider if they are pleasing to the Lord. If not, reconcile yourself and adjust to the straight and narrow path of His way. This is why we put on the full armor of God daily and fear the Lord in all that we do.
P1.22 The more the enemy is defeated, the healthier our world will be. Health is the eradication of the enemy.
P1.23 If you abide in Me, My words will abide in you, and My words are Wisdom.
P1.24 Does not the servant do the will of the master, for this is good. The servant belongs to the master and, therefore, does his will. What is good but that which is commanded by the Master. To seek to do good is to seek the Master's will and know his commandments.
P1.25 Can the right leg walk without the left? Therefore, the night must stand for the day, and the day must stand for the night, as the night prepares for the day and the day prepares against the night. Our body is one, and so shall be our mind and soul.
P1.26 Live each day as it was your last. Ask yourself, “Were you a good and faithful servant today”? The Lord will not be mocked, nor will His grace. Be steadfast in your day and liken yourself to the words of His wisdom, knowing always that hellfire awaits for those who are disobedient. Live in fear of the Lord each day, for it is your foundation for understanding for the day. Keep your hands and feet busy during the day lest you be tempted by evil.
P1.27 A father who provides instruction to his son loves his son. And a son who receives instruction from his father loves his father. Only a foolish child would choose to be cast out rather than receive discipline from his father. For what are good works but to do the will of the Father, to hear wisdom and receive insights?
P1.28 A chaste man speaks no evil because the desires of his heart are for the Lord.
P1.29 When you are tired, sleep. When you are hungry, eat. Do so such that neither of these impairs your ability to be fed the Word of God.
P1.30 A true heart must be tempered with persistence, a relentless pursuit of Me.
P1.31 You may say, "Lord, what shall I read today or be the meditations of my heart?" And I say to you that when you break off any piece of manna that it is good for you, such is the Word food for your soul.
P1.32 Do not act on feeling but on faith. I know the color of the day before it has happened, it is enough for you to have faith.
P1.33 Feed your flesh My word, My flesh, and your body and mind will be strong.
P1.34 Do not delight in the mishaps of others but that they may see with the eyes of the Lord and their way made straight. This is the essence of Love and the command of the Lord.
P1.35 Fear the Lord and you will endure and not fall off, your path will be truth and righteousness will abound in you.
P1.36 The fear of the Lord brings you to Me, but My abundance flows from peace. Therefore, shod your feet with peace so that your path is true. Do not look to the left or right, but to heaven so your path is straight.
P1.37 Move in fear, rest in peace. It is peace that surrounds your heart to be a fertile ground for wisdom. Fear is the prod that keeps your path straight. Fear Me and know that I am God, be anxious for nothing. For I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes before the Father except through Me.
P1.38 Pick up your tent and follow me. Mine is the way to the divine; all must follow or perish.
P1.39 Jesus broke our chains, freeing us from these earthly bodies to dwell in the heavens in our heavenly bodies. Jesus is the power, the bridge for us to heaven. So we set our minds on heavenly things and surpass our own understanding, for great and mighty are His ways and the wonders through His eyes. Desire heavenly things, for even the smallest in heaven is greater than the greatest wonder on earth.
P1.40 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. To sow to the Spirit is to do good as the Father commands, enduring in faith by the fear of the Lord.
P1.41 Shall you drink of My cup? Lay down your burdens at My feet. Turn over your sickness to Me. Have faith in My name and My name alone.
P1.42 Allow God to direct and fuel your life; that is the difference between living for eternity and being driven by God.
P1.43 Why do you speak in a strange tongue? Do I not understand you plainly? If you do not know, tell Me, and I will show you the way. When a sheep is lost and cries out, does the shepherd not go to the sheep and show it the way?
P1.44 Tend to My fields, which are the people of this planet, and instruct on My ways to keep My commandments and hear and do My will.
P1.45 Conquer with Love; I will be your shield. Love restores, renews faith, and delivers on the promises of God. Love is strong and bold, carrying out His will. Love does not fail. Love is my sword. Renew your minds and deny your flesh. Love covers all sins.
P1.46 My faithful will be rewarded. My fields full and the harvest sweet; it will not be plundered.
P1.47 Consider yourself a flower in a garden. You do not own the garden; you were planted there.
P1.48 If the master of the land posts a sign to his servants to tend to his land and feed his flock, do his servants sit idle and wonder the will of their master? Such are your commands in the word from the Lord. Go forth in righteousness and testify of His name that all may be saved.
P1.49 Is not the Master's realm heaven, and therefore, you are a citizen of heaven? Set your mind on heavenly things.
P1.50 Do not be weary, for in the fear of the Lord you will endure. Be mighty; do not doubt.
P1.51 Your faith sets a foundation for the Holy Spirit to reside in you, to receive My words that you may be edified.
Next up: Wisdom: Part 2