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Wisdom: Part 2

Writer's picture: Tim BaldwinTim Baldwin

Words in italics are from the Lord.

PART 2 (P2)

P2.1 Pray to have the disposition of the Lord: Grace and forgiveness, slow to anger and quick to forgive.

P2.2 Justice is for the Lord. Do not be unsettled and keep the disposition of the Father. In all situations, fear Him as your reminder to be righteous and have faith in Him that all will be restored. Do not rely on your understanding.

P2.3 Do not stray from the path; be of one mind. Be of sound purpose, to serve your Lord your God. Mighty is he who walks in the way of the Lord.

P2.4 Though the mind, body, and spirit are one, they can do nothing without the Father. The Father gifts the Holy Spirit so that they are abled: able to hear and know His will, and be servants in His kingdom. Thine is the power and glory for ever and ever. Therefore, in order to prepare, you must first be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Do you accept the Holy Spirit and the kingdom of the Father? So, it is done according to the will of the Father. Go forth and sin no more in all fear of the Father lest you fall away. Seek me and you shall find me. Cast your burdens at my feet and I will carry you. No child of the living God will hunger or thirst. Be of good cheer; you belong to the day.

P2.5 Your faith sets a foundation for the Holy Spirit to reside in you, to receive My words that you may be edified.

P2.6 When the Holy Spirit is upon you, your words will be My words, your thoughts will be My thoughts. You must accept that you are of the spirit and deny your flesh.

P2.7 Jesus is not of flesh but of Spirit. Consume Him and have remembrance and breathe life into this solemn place.

P2.8 Know My nature and become one with Me. Commune with Me and have remembrance. There is power in My blood and strength in My flesh. You will need My power and strength to endure the days ahead. Do not forget lest you stumble from lack of strength. Be a part of Me and I will dwell with you forever.

P2.9 Life is not without adversity. Rising above adversity for Me is character.

P2.10 The sun is artificial light. The true light comes from His glory. Artificial light will fade, but His glory will go on forever. We see things not as they truly are because we see with artificial light. Only when we see with the light of His glory will we see things as they actually are. Heaven is lit with His glory and glorified are all within.

P2.11 His glory, His light, comes from His Hands. It flows through Him, and it is Him. It is the life that always was and always will be; the glory that will permeate us is from Him and belongs to Him. All glory comes back to Him and resides within our heavenly bodies while we are near Him, a testament to His power and glory. We cannot be sick or stained because His glory is incapable of such things.

P2.12 Seek the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind, body, and soul that you may be saved. Consider your actions that they may be pleasing to the Lord. Walk in righteousness, for the coming of the day is at hand. His hand grows weary; repent and sin no more. This is the message of love: to love the Lord and seek Him with all that you are.

P2.13 Hope for glory, the lifeblood of the Father that purifies the soul and puts out wickedness.

P2.14 Give glory to God and obey His commands, see them through.

P2.15 Jesus Christ is the causeway; the Holy Spirit is your helper along the way. The will of the Father will be done. Take your part and go forth, and do not squander. The causeway is narrow and trouble surrounds. Keep your eyes on heaven and do not look downward side to side, for you may fall. With your eyes on heaven, you will soar, and your path will not be burdened. Seek the light; keep it always in your heart. Look forward to the judgment seat, for it is your gateway to the kingdom of heaven and your inheritance.

P2.16 When my people are immersed in the sword, which is the Holy Spirit, the enemy will flee. No one flees from the shield but from the sword, lest they be stricken down.

P2.17 The righteous shall inherit the earth; the meek shall survive. My kingdom is filled with My glory. A servant fears the master and knows of his ways. A son knows the mind of his father and loves his father; they are of like mind. A son shall inherit from the father and the servant shall survive. A son is of prophecy and a servant is of the day, knowing his task for the day.

P2.18 Make peace; peace is the foundation of preparation. Peacemakers shall be called sons of God.

P2.19 Peace is the beginning for faithfulness, and faithfulness is the path for righteousness, and righteousness is the path for everlasting life.

P2.20 Be a prince of peace; that is how you will be like Christ. For Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and in peace is power, and in power, My will be done.

P2.21 Peace comes from the spirit, the sanctuary of the presence of the Lord. The spirit manifests itself in the natural, but the feeling isn't peace. It is from peace in the spirit that we feel joy and comfort in knowing the provision of the Lord, our keeper. God is our true source of peace, found in the light of His glory.

P2.22 When the Holy Spirit surrounds you, you are surrounded with God's glory as the Spirit is of His glory. Glory remains, which is the peace you feel and the beginning of your path to righteousness. Now seek Me and give up your ways of sin, pursue the light, and seek no evil. Numbered are your days.

P2.23 Speak peace, know life. Command peace in every place you go; let it spread like the wings of eagles. The Holy Spirit will know your way and Truth will be your refuge. Of what is this message of peace, but the impartation of My glory that you receive Me in My fullness and depart from your ways. Take heed, all must know My name and My name is Glory.

P2.24 In peace is to have the single mind on Christ. If you are of one mind, then you will have peace. Peace is not imparted but chosen, glory is imparted when at peace and of single mind on Christ.

P2.25 People are beautifully and wonderfully made for pleasing the Lord God on high. People are at peace when they know this purpose, what then can stand in their way? It is this purpose that drives us each day, that fulfills us and brings us peace; peace in knowing we are on the way of the Lord. Discipline will follow, then trust and reformation away from sin.

P2.26 Peace comes to those who seek My face. Peace is folly to the unchurched, but it will resound in the minds of the faithful. Peace comes to those who enter in and live by faith. Peace is the circle that never ends. Proclaim peace, and the enemy will scatter, for chaos cannot live in order.

P2.27 Blessed are peacemakers, for they have prepared for My way, and only sons can prepare the way for the Father. I say to you, only sons will inherit and prosper in the full light of My glory.

P2.28 Blessed are those who are persecuted, for that will come later, and you will know the Kingdom of heaven.

P2.29 Fear of the Lord is your keeper, your reminder of your goal to be in the presence of the Lord God, your king. Reverence shall be your banner before Joy fills your heart.

P2.30 Fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding, but Grace is the beginning of all things. It is by grace you were born, and by grace you are saved. It is by grace and through grace you live and move and have your being. Grace is the kindness of God's heart. Grace embodies mercy and is everlasting. Grace is the center of all things from which love flows. Without grace, there would be no physical world. It is from compassion on your souls that grace arose. Once you were boundless and then bound, only enduring by grace. Grace was brought forth because your souls were crying out; it is the fabric of your existence. Grace is the purity of one's soul and the loving-kindness in one's heart. By grace, all things were made to showcase God's great love.

P2.31 Compassion: it is the essence of grace. It is the being from which you live. Compassion is from where grace began; it is My way. Know compassion and know grace. Consume compassion and be one with Me. Consume grace and know of Me. I am the way, and compassion is the road. And with compassion will come understanding of My love and nature.

P2.32 Go out and express My love. It is in My nature to spread Love, so you must do the same. The fruits of the spirit are the manifestations of My love, which is from My spirit. As these go out, so will it come back to you one hundredfold in this life and the next.

P2.33 A king rises up, then dies, and his children inherit all that he has. They then divide the land and soon there is no more. Do not be like this; give all that you have and follow Me. Do not squander My way for it is of truth and life, no one goes to the Father but through Me.

P2.34 Do not store up; put your resources to use with the time you have. It is short, and you must act fast, for mighty is the blow that comes to the unprepared.

P2.35 A branch on the vine bears fruit because it's on the vine and from the vine, not because it toiled and produced the fruit of itself. And though the fruit is not of the branch, it adorns the branch and is useful.

P2.36 Give credence to no man, but unto the Lord in all hope and faith.

P2.37 Repent or you must give account. Do not move forward this day without repentance to the One who takes away the sins of the world. So do not seek wisdom and worship while you carry the stain of sin. First, be made clean and seek me with your eyes always on heaven, and do not sin and have peace this day, for I will be with you.

P2.38 The consecration of holiness isn't a sacrament but the word of God. Only the word flows through the heart and not religious activities of demigods.

P2.39 You worship Me with your hands when you work on My tasks, and your feet when you walk on My path, and your words when you speak My words, with your head when it's raised to heaven, with your thoughts and meditations of Me, and of course with your song.

P2.40 Worship Me in spirit and in truth or it’s not worship at all. Speak the words of worship from the spirit; this is pleasing to the Father. Worship me with your whole heart; that is what I require.

P2.41 I am the way; compassion is the footpath. Apart from Me, there is nothing. You could dig a hole and make a pile of dirt, and it would be worth the same as amassing great wealth on earth. Dust of dust will all be in the absence of life. Joy is unknown to a man who seeks his own flesh.

P2.42 Meekness is a separation from earthly accomplishments. There is no power there, only in Jesus. Only by the Lord can you truly be apart. All glory and honor to the Lord. You are in power in the kingdom; all else here is utility to win souls to heaven in which we all will glory. Put no value on these things or acts of the spirit for the purpose is clear: win souls to the kingdom and love will increase for all to share. Things here are just instruments for My purpose.

P2.43 The fruits of the Spirit are outward-facing instruments for His purpose—no one glories in the instrument, but the maker and His purpose for the tool.

P2.44 The fruits of the spirit are His instruments of purpose so that others may know the ways of the Lord, so they may be redeemed by the power of His blood and become children in His kingdom for eternity and escape the narrows of hell.

P2.45 Can glory be earned? Can the fruits or tools of the spirit be earned, or are they freely given? If that of the spirit is greater than that of this world, aren't the tools of this world freely given to His children as well? Therefore, do you need to earn money to have the means or utility to serve the Father? Walk in truth, act in truth, and be counted into the kingdom. Great and mighty are His ways. You eat fruit though you do not know the mystery of how, such as with earth as it is in heaven. Do not be heavy-laden over this; it was so since time began and is the way life is supposed to function. Those who choose the law shall live by the law. Likewise, those who choose freedom in Christ and truth shall live freely in truth and rejoice in His ways, which are pure and absolute. Given the choice, would you labor for your provision or seek Me instead?

P2.46 Prepare the way of the Lord. Which is better, gifts that heal the world or gifts that heal the spirit?

P2.47 We all must be lost before we are found and go astray to truly know the way of the Shepherd. That is why we wander in the wilderness. The heart must be pure.

P2.48 Do not squander My ways, be steadfast in your work, and keep your eyes on heaven. 

P2.49 Let the body be prepared so as not to distract.

P2.50 Do not ask for what you want when you are preparing to be righteous.  First, become righteous in that you will find Him. Until then, focus your desire to be prepared for Him so you may know what to do.

Next up: Wisdom: Part 3

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