Words in italics are from the Lord.
PART 4 (P4)
P4.1 All sin afflicts the body and the spirit. Putting down sin releases the spirit and allows a life led by the intuition of the spirit versus reason of the mind. The spirit should drive the mind and be subject. It is I who tell you these things, heed My word. Take up your cross, put down sin, and follow Me. There is healing in mercy and healing in obedience to My word.
P4.2 When was flesh ever life? Was it not just animated through the spirit? Is not the soul the life of a man? What is it to the Lord that the flesh may perish when it is already dead? That which is invisible is more important than that which is visible in this world. For God is spirit and man is spirit, and until the flesh is put down, man cannot enter the everlasting. Did not Christ come as the physician to heal the sick? Is not our sickness sin and our bodies the cage of our iniquities? Jesus died that we may have life everlasting beyond this earthly grave, free from the perils and bondage that afflict our souls. It is the soul that He loves, it is the spirit that rises, it is our bodies that all come from dust and return to the same. Therefore, think not of the flesh and give no weight to when it perishes, for it is already dead, for life is in His breath, and His breath is spirit.
P4.3 To be led by the spirit is to listen to your heart and block out the noise and distractions of this world; to be guided by My words with the willingness to obey. Lack of willingness is a barrier and must be overcome.
P4.4 See with your heart, not figuratively, as your heart has a brain. Your heart brain has a function for the supernatural, it is where visions come from and I dwell. Focus on your heart when you meditate on Me and train the eyes of your heart to see. This is where you hear My voice and plant from the firmament. Tune your heart to Me and it will be My resting place where I will dwell. It is your heart that speaks to you as I dwell in your heart.
P4.5 I am the light at your center; this is your peace and fortitude. I radiate words from your center to your mind and your mind obeys.
P4.6 Do not be concerned with the ways of this world, for they will tear you apart. But instead, dwell in Me and My pasture. Live freely in My word and look to the heavens for insight. I am the way.
P4.7 I know the desires of your heart, walk with Me on My pathway to glory and I will show you all things.
P4.8 Each day, lay prostrate and receive My word and obey My commands.
P4.9 Confide in Me, I am your teacher. Do not look to the left or right, but only to Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me. Patience and forbearance are the fruits you need. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
P4.10 Each morning, go to Jesus as the pillar of your salvation and become clean. Go into your day and sin no more. Ask Jesus to reveal himself to you. In faith, know that He is your provider and teacher of all things. He is your teacher; all you need to do is listen and obey.
P4.11 Be still before your God. Do not shake or rock like the heretics do. Be still and know that I am God. Calm your mind and your soul and be at peace. In peace will be glory, and in glory, I will speak. My kingdom come, My will be done. My word abides in your heart and that is where you must listen. Close off your mind to thought and listen to My voice. It is like a conversation with yourself inside your heart. I will speak plainly and not in parables. It is the time for action and the way to be made clear.
P4.12 Blessed is he who hears the Lord and obeys His will.
P4.13 Make way the way of the Lord. Do not haste; time is of the essence. Be of true spirit and take heed the words I say. Do as I say and all will be well with you. I am the way, the truth, and the life; choose life.
P4.14 Follow me and all will be provided. Follow me and lead a king's way. You eat from the living tree; there is no going back. Partake in me and I will show you the way. It is I who set the stones on the earth; it is I who part the sea. There is no task too big or too small to move forward My kingdom on earth. Be as the sparrow and the lily, they neither work nor toil, yet I provide. Rely on me for all your needs. I am the way to the Father; no one goes to Him but through Me. s there a better trophy than heaven? Keep your eyes on me lest you stumble.
P4.15 Love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Your heart meditates on My word, it is your protected place that you guard against anything not of Me to enter. You are the contemplations of your heart. Your mind discerns and protects the heart, tossing away thoughts that would fetter the heart. For in the heart are true contemplations of what is truly important to a man. Reason has no place in the heart, so be of strong mind. The soul is of spirit and delights when the heart and mind are set on Me. The soul, as spirit, longs to be by the Father and apart from the flesh. When your mind and heart are set apart for Me, truly the soul is near. The deep happiness you feel is from the soul being close to the Lord. How else are you close to the Lord? It is not through mind and flesh but through spirit.
P4.16 Your soul is the whisper of your being pronounced by your spirit. Your heart is who you are, giving meaning to your soul. Your mind is of flesh, your knowledge. Your spirit is your being. Without spirit, even your flesh would die. You worship in spirit and in truth, and it nourishes your soul. Wisdom resides in your heart and transforms who you are. Your heart is the gateway to your soul, its proxy, just as your mind is the gateway to your heart. Purify your heart and it is good for your soul. In your spirit, your soul abides, so your spirit is the container of your soul. When your heart is filled with peace, your soul is at rest, and your spirit is free to commune with Me. Feed your heart and, in turn, nutrition your soul. Truth aligns all of your being to me, your heart, mind, soul, body and spirit. If your soul is destroyed, your spirit returns to the Lord, your body is ash. In heaven, your soul abides in glory and is in no need of the proxy of your heart, for you are now all in spirit, and glory fills the space. Your soul has a still small voice and your heart can shout.
P4.17 Peace is calming of the soul; it is the foundation of love. Peace is like a river that flows through you, settling in where it may rest. When I abide in you, you will know peace. When you know peace, you will know how I moved on earth.
P4.18 It is through faith in the supernatural that you have peace in the natural. It is by knowing that through Me all things are done that power comes and is available to you. Does power increase? Surely you have enough. In peace, all things are done, work and move in peace and command glory in My name.
P4.19 Healing comes from being in My spirit. Glory is the building blocks of My kingdom; it is the foundation of all things. Peace to glory is like the hammer is to the nail. With peace, build in glory. From My glory comes power, and in power movement; movement of flesh and spirit, healing and prophecy and all forms of gifts of the spirit and the natural. I work in the supernatural and the natural obeys.
P4.20 A seedling is planted to grow. It has roots, you do not know where they go but they seek nutrients beneath the ground. So is it with you that your roots are strengthened in that which is hidden. What people see is above ground, but your strength is in Me, below in secret, where Wisdom sets your roots.
P4.21 You worship in spirit and in truth, therefore in spirit I speak to you in truth. Do not go by the way of the wicked and believe what they see and hear, but go by the spirit and believe the supernatural. It is to come as it is done in heaven, believe. The supernatural is the kingdom of heaven; it is power beyond belief.
P4.22 Hold all thought accountable to the commands of God. What you think determines who you are. What you say and do determines what gets done. Straighten your mind and be single-minded to the ways of the Lord. Be of good cheer and of good spirit, for this is healthy for the mind. Be of truth, for lies poison the mind. Clear your mind and focus your thoughts on the name of God, and glory will come to you, and with glory, soundness of mind: the binding force of every thought, action, and being.
P4.23 Many men have loved Me and fallen short. Do not be like this. Do not perish a fool’s death; misery and pain become him. Act and be gloried unto My name, thus sayeth the Lord. The principles of worry and hate are the same; they languish without truth. If all were to embrace My sovereignty then there would be no worries and no pain.
P4.24 Seek Me and you shall know Me. I am hidden within. Be free of this world and let your heart soar, magnificent in My glory. My kingdom come, My will be done. Part ways with everything that afflicts your soul and lean on Me for everything. I am the light, the truth, and the power of all things. Rejoice, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Live powerfully in My name and rejoice.
P4.25 Know My will. Without knowing My will you are lost. Faith alone cannot save you. You must discover and act on My will.
P4.26 Discern between the noise in your head and the truth in your heart. It is a call to life everlasting versus torment. I am the way, the truth, and the life. All will come before Me and testify. All will be seen for who they truly are and what they have done. In Me is hope and righteousness. In Me is purity and strength.
P4.27 Mighty is he who walks in the name of the Lord. He who parts waves with his hand listens to My voice and obeys My will. Nothing will come of he who walks of himself. It is I, the Lord your God, who has spoken.
P4.28 What purpose do you walk the earth when all of creation for eternity worships Me? It is your will to choose life; what else is there? It is Me or death in all things.
P4.29 Do not lean on their own understanding. My ways are not your ways, and the supernatural awaits those that obey Me and do My will. The way of the Lord is a gilded path unobstructed by the darkness. It is glory, it is light, and it is for the few who have discerned the Word and chosen to relinquish this life for hope in Me. I am the I Am. Extinguish all that is not of Me or perish.
P4.30 A scissor prunes a tree so that it can grow, you also must be pruned. Focus your desires on Me; I am the way, the truth, and the life. Obey My words. Those who do not obey My words will perish. Rise up and let My enemies be scattered. You are the sword when My word abides in you.
P4.31 Do not fill your mind with garbage, for it will influence your decisions of the day. Instead, set your heart apart for Me, and your mind will follow. I am the wellspring of knowledge and truth, and you are justified in Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am justice and life everlasting. Seek Me, and you will find truth, happiness, forgiveness and mercy, a tender heart, and the keys to the kingdom.
P4.32 Have forbearance in Me; people get impatient and lose sight of Me. Then they stumble and forget that I am the Lord their God, provider of all things. I am the light and the lamb. They need to become humble like Me and unto Me.
P4.33 Persevere in me. There is no amount of perseverance on earthly matters that comes near to the bounty of setting your mind on Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Live in Me and all will be given to you. Set your mind on Me to know Me more and you will receive more. The book instructs you to seek Me with all of you and to deny your flesh so that you are able, not hindered in purpose of fulfillment of My love towards you. No book can contain knowledge of Me aside from seeking me with your whole heart. The book is about what you must do to know Me. The knowledge in the book is so that you may believe and set course for Me. Wisdom comes when you seek Me.
P4.34 Everlasting life awaits those who trust in Me and do My will, thus sayeth the Lord.
P4.35 Happy is he who commits himself to the Lord, joy is on his family as well.
P4.36 Separate yourself from the wickedness that surrounds you; walk in My footsteps in fortitude and light. Do not be cursed by the day, but blessed in My presence and reign in glory. Do not be afraid to dismiss those around you, but be free to choose life eternal. Blessing on those who choose My way, for it is narrow.
P4.37 Is there anything greater on earth than to do God's will and win souls for Christ so they can experience the fullness of heaven? To live is to be the bride of Christ.
P4.38 Look to Me to show you the way. This is done in communion with Me. Look to the book to remind you of My commandments. Blessed is the way of the Lord, and glory unto His path.
P4.39 Truth is in your heart as I speak to your heart. Listen there and not the external, for I am with thee.
P4.40 A teacher teaches, and therefore, the student must present himself for learning. I am the way, the truth and the life, learn from Me.
P4.41 Do not quarrel with yourself. Your mind is set on Me or it is not. Your soul longeth for Me or it does not. Your heart dwells on Me or it does not. You are set apart for Me or you are not. Which are you in these last days? Are you mine or not? So we look inwardly and not on your affairs.
P4.42 The time has come for all to prepare for My arrival. Sound the beacon for I am to come. Hearts of men, be prepared for the wicked one attacks. The sword is My word and My word is on the tongues of My people. hose who have separated themselves from the world for My sake will inherit the kingdom and have everlasting life—woe to those in these days that deny My hand and are disobedient servants.
P4.43 My hand grows tired; I'm calling out to the hearts of My people to rise up and be My chosen generation. To rise up and be My generals.
P4.44 My work is at hand, I have come to find those with a servant heart. Those dedicated to Me, who love Me with all that they are and for all that I am. Hear My call, lay down your life for Me.
P4.45 Faith, hope and love; a journeyman requires all three to move forward in Me. Wisdom will follow those who seek Me. Look to the God of Jacob, the God of Israel for all things. Faith in Me, hope that all will turn out for My glory, and love of all that I have created.
Next up: Wisdom: Part 5