Words in italics are from the Lord.
PART 5 (P5)
P5.1 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and all your soul. These words are freedom. Peace to the sons who heed these words.
P5.2 Walk, and I am there. Eat, it is from My hand. Do not marvel in things but in the Lord your God who has created all things.
P5.3 Peace and prosperity come to those who adhere to My will. Blessings always follow.
P5.4 Obedience brings forth prosperity. The keys of the kingdom are given to those who are mine, who seek Me with their whole heart and dedicate themselves to Me.
P5.5 He who comes in the name of the Lord shall never grow tired or weary but be shored up in faith and have life everlasting in peace.
P5.6 The foundation of the universe is simple: Me and My glory of mass. I was the one who formed the stars and created mankind for My glory. I am the crucible of all things. Turn to Me in all things. This world will not last as it is, do not hustle about. Read what I have said and act; the time is near, thus sayeth the Lord.
P5.7 The universe was started with a mass of glory the size of an egg and expanded from there, filling the void, form to form. My glory is the seed of all things. Empty and hollow is this place but great is My glory that makes it. It is no more dense than the space that surrounds it. It is just in a different form of My glory as are the moons and stars and all things in this universe.
P5.8 You want to know power, then know glory. You want to know glory, know meekness and humility, for I am He and by these things you were created.
P5.9 How to rise up and scatter the enemy: your mind is the key. Your mind is convinced in faith and, therefore, is your shield. Your words are the weapon against the enemy. I am the power to rise and destroy all things. Conquer in My name, Jesus of Nazareth. I am the key that opens doors. I am the wayfarer of the sea. Cut your path on the open road and I am with thee. Remove sin and scatter the enemy. Listen to Me; sin is the foundation of the enemy. Remove the foundation and the enemy will be scattered. Can a building stand without its foundation?
P5.10 Look inside yourself and know that I am here. I am always waiting, waiting for you to join Me in power. Where is your faith? Join Me and conquer the enemy. My blood cannot be defeated. The wind cannot match the wind; it is a power unto itself and so is My blood.
P5.11 All things are done in My timing. He who waits upon the Lord shall be saved.
P5.12 Light is a fortress against evil. Suffer My ways or all is lost. Be of innocence and light; that is the way of the Lord. Be upright and proud in nothing, for the Lord your God has spoken.
P5.13 Fortune is in the heart of a man, who he is and all that he has. Look to Me for all things, for I am all things. Do not be troubled, but awake! The time is near, catastrophe awaits those who do not fear Me, who have chosen their life over Mine.
P5.14 Sing a new song unto the Lord; make it your habitat. He who sings unto the Lord desires eternal life. Praise and worship in My name. Let it consume you as it does the angels. Be set apart.
P5.15 It is in worship that I will come and pour forth My glory. It is in worship that My people will rise up and reclaim their lands. It is in worship that the heavens will open and pour forth My glory. It is in worship that you will see and hear and be magnified.
P5.16 Peace is prosperity to the soul. Wisdom is to prosper eternally. The gates of heaven are open to those who follow Me. Those who seek Me shall see My reward. The promises await the faithful and glory transcends from on high.
P5.17 Peace is a subtle thing; it neither rains nor falls. Peace is granted to those who obey Me, who suffer on the cross. Peace is a reward for faithfulness. Peace is the solidarity of truth, the effervescence of the living Way.
P5.18 Speak peace where you go and watch the world change around you. Peace is the fabric of life, the balance of My creation. Peace brings forth, nothing can stand against. Peace is the sovereignty of a nation, not a council or government.
P5.19 Peace is the cradle of My glory. In peace, all things are done. Without peace, nothing is done. Peace is the balance of life and the effervescence of My glory. Speak peace to the nations and governments will fall. I am the government of the people. Peace is the prosperity within. Give all that you have and rejoice. Spread peace and fortify the strongholds of My kingdom on earth. Be set apart and walk in peace.
P5.20 My people need to stand strong and not submit to the ways of the world. Righteousness will follow obedience.
P5.21 The sabbath has moved from an earthly ritual to your heart. Keep the sabbath in your heart. When you were filled with the Holy Spirit, so did the sabbath move as all things are done through Me in spirit. You keep the sabbath seven days a week, others for one day. Let it be true in your heart: I am the way.
P5.22 The sabbath is in your heart; therefore, keep the sabbath, and all will be well with you. When do you work? When do you toil? Is there a day set aside for this? Therefore, do not be as the slaves and worship on a set day, but be Mine and live in freedom of worship everyday.
P5.23 There is more to Me than prophecy: obedience and servitude. All who enter My kingdom must be pleasing to Me. None will come with words, but with action. Look to My goodness; I will make your path straight and heal all things. I am the way in the wilderness; I am upright and kind.
P5.24 Take My hand and enter into holiness, for one is not holy until he enters into the Holy of Holies.
P5.25 Renew your faith, seek Me though your heart in spirit, not by flesh. Not by your eyes or in your mind, but through your heart.
P5.26 I am calling all that are able, able to perform My will. To listen and obey, cherish My word.
P5.27 Submerse yourself in My spirit every day. I will not always tell you what you want to know but I will tell you what you need to hear.
P5.28 As you sit in the dirt and wonder where I am, look around, I am not to be found? Yet seek me in spirit, in the quietness of your soul, and I will be there to commune with you. Abase yourself and increase Me. Seek Me in spirit and in truth and I will reveal myself to thee. Compassion and all the fruits will come upon you in My presence. Therefore, come in My presence and I will be known to you.
P5.29 In worship, you enter into the gates. In quietness and confidence, in truth in your seeking, you commune with Me.
P5.30 We take up our cross so that we can move in spirit. Flesh cannot move in Christ as He is spirit. Therefore we must deny our flesh and leave it behind, carry our crosses that we may move only in spirit. Yes, we deny the world, and we deny ourselves, but taking up our crosses is about movement with Him in spirit.
P5.31 What does it mean to carry My cross? Against all evil, love. Against all unrighteousness, forgive. Against all calamity, rise up and be counted into the kingdom. Against all suffering, have peace, soothed by My word. Against all oppression, be strong in the power of My might and live unto Me.
P5.32 Accomplish in Me. I am the light of salvation; all is done through Me. Be of one mind; there is nothing else. What does it mean to accomplish in Me? It means to let me do it in spirit and I will realize the results, or fruit, on your behalf.
P5.33 Compassion shall be your fruit. And you shall give your fruit to others and, in doing so, show love. And from love will come kindness and from kindness, gentleness. In gentleness, their hearts shall receive Me, and My words shall impress upon them to seek Me in spirit and in truth.
P5.34 I became man, that I may experience man, as to perfect My love in man.
P5.35 When we receive more glory, our spiritual intelligence increases.
P5.36 Give alms to the poor. Wash their feet and give them a resting place. Be a light of goodness first, and then grace. Show your light; let it be of purpose. Be kind to the brokenhearted. Lift up the unworthy. Be a shelter from the storm and a calm in the wilderness.
P5.37 Give alms to the poor, the lame, and the sick. Honor Me, and I will be there with you in truth. Honor Me, for the wicked press forth to rob and destroy. Honor Me in spirit and in truth, and I will make your way.
P5.38 Do not go the way of the Pharisee, saying one thing and doing another. Keep your promises or make none at all.
P5.39 We are but plants in a field. In life, we grow, and those that bear fruit will have everlasting life, and those that do not will be cast into the fire. It is for this purpose that I came so many could have life through Me.
P5.40 Practice what you preach. Do not challenge what you do not know; you are not beyond reproach. Set a candle to the wind and its light will not shine for long. Fortify your light with My word and stand fast, ready to do My will.
P5.41 Practice what you preach. Loving-kindness and a solemn heart speak words of truth. Come to Me and gather your things, for I will provide for your needs. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Be fulfilled in Me. I am the living water who breathes life into this world. Life is not apart from Me, for it flows from Me.
P5.42 Take care to persevere in My Word and not squander your time, for it is precious to Me. No one comes to the Father but through Me. Keep your hands busy doing My work and your feet solidly on My path. Run the course and I will be by your side.
Next up: Wisdom: Part 6