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Writer's pictureTim Baldwin

Wisdom: Part 6

Words in italics are from the Lord.

PART 6 (P6)

P6.1 To truly live is to live prepared for death on earth; life eternal.

P6.2 Take up your cross and follow Me. The prince of darkness awaits in battle. March each day towards your death, carrying your cross; it is the way to life, life eternal.

P6.3 Peace in the kingdom awaits those who serve the Lord: those who deny themselves and follow Me, those who take up their cross and lay down their lives for My name’s sake.

P6.4 Deny thyself, fast unto Me, and let your flesh consume your flesh, and then you will desire less.

P6.5 Fasting restricts the impediments in the body, clearing the way to the soul.

P6.6 Though the mind is limited, the mind of the heart is unbound. The stomach is a prison, incarcerating the body. Free yourself from the stomach and deny it what it wants.

P6.7 Let your spirit rise while your body falls. Let the spirit come before your desires. Let your mind be eradicated of perverse thoughts. Let peace overcome your soul. My kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am your daily bread; feed on Me. Do not look to the East or the West, for I am right here. Be patient and not discouraged; all is at hand in its own timing. Go about your day in peace, thus sayeth the Lord God of the heavenly host.

P6.8 Evil and sin are like cancer; remove their food, and they will perish. Deny your flesh and increase in spirit, and the enemy will be destroyed.

P6.9 The attachment that you have to things will disappear; you will hold dear knowledge and truth. They will be your comforts.

P6.10 Peace is where I rest; joy is where I live. Deny thyself and have peace. Partake in Me and have joy. Peace and joy come to those who follow My ways and keep My truths. Woe to the sinner of this day, for the day is at hand where all men will be tried by fire, and only those of spirit will survive.

P6.11 Peace is the sign of the times; peace in one accord.

P6.12 My grace shall cover the land and protect My sheep, for I am the lamb that was slain and the great shepherd. Hear My words and obey. Do not be crass, but be obedient. Believe in Me, trust in Me, hope in Me, and you will not fall into despondency.

P6.13 I am the chief cornerstone in which My Father, the builder, has constructed all things. My blood is the material of life; all things are of Me.

P6.14 Seek virtue and understanding from Me. Cleanse yourself and relieve your burden; cast it to My feet. All will be subject to My will. Neither feast nor famine should sway you, in My name. Peace be to those who enter My gates, blessings to those who seek Me and find Me. Persevere on your way to the cross, deny thyself, and follow Me.

P6.15 Meekness is choosing to be silent and do nothing, in humility, for the sake of pleasing Me. To not glorify yourself with perverse action or words, but to glorify Me in your silence and appreciation of My loving-kindness. In all situations, be kind and loving, and then you will have My disposition.

P6.16 Open your heart to Me and deny thine self. Peace comes to those who wait on Me. Be generous in the day and cautious at night, for the enemy lingers and awaits to cause harm. Be gentle in spirit and true in soul, purposed for Me in true intent. Work in the spirit and wonders will befall. Hold truth in your heart and shine as light unto the earth. Pursue Me, and wealth will follow in this life and the next.

P6.17 The heart is the gateway to the soul and the link between realms, the natural and supernatural. Exercise your heart and search it for Me in spirit, and your cells will increase, and greater will be your abilities in the supernatural. Exercise your heart in the physical and spirit, prepare your house for Me.

P6.18 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all things will be added unto you. Be of true heart, mind, and spirit. Do not stop at the surface of Jesus, always be searching and seeking more of Him.

P6.19 What right do you have to take offense? Humble yourself as the least and esteem others for My sake.

P6.20 Take up My cross, join Me, and be a beacon of light unto the world. Humble yourself before the infidels, and although they show no mercy, you will show mercy. You will show kindness and love for the sake of My name.

P6.21 In the absence of light, there is darkness. Do not be dismayed; I am here.

P6.21 Untie from this world. Be dependent only on Me in suffering and truth. Release your dependence on your food shelf and give back to Me. Be of charity and goodness.

P6.23 Do not feast on the ways of this world but on My bread alone.

P6.24 Feast on My flesh and take part in My presence. Everlasting life waits for those who share My bread and bear My burden. So eat in remembrance of Me and none shall go hungry or thirst.

P6.25 Feed the poor and clothe the wicked; show love and mercy.

P6.26 Give all that you have and follow Me if you are to be of My purpose. Be kind and loving; that is My nature. Seek to build up and not put down. See the good and not the evil. To discern waste and remove it from you, that is My pledge, My victory. Keep your eyes on Me and set your heart on My song. The wicked hearted move about the night, but My loved ones rest in Me. Be true in spirit and follow Me.

P6.27 I am always present, come into My presence. It is your choice to be prepared to enter into the kingdom, to choose My ways, eat the bread of life, and drink the living water that reconstitutes your soul. Come into My presence with a humble heart, a longing heart willing to give everything for Me as I have given My life for you.

P6.28 Seeking flesh is the way to destruction; seeking truth is the way to life.

P6.29 Do not be discouraged by the events of today, for they are mere fragments of what is to come. Look to Me for your understanding and purpose; I will lead the way. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.

P6.30 Abandon yourself to Me. Riches and glory are of My Father's house. Wisdom and Honor and power are of Me. Follow Me and be purified by My grace. Accomplish in Me and achieve peace everlasting. Seek Me with all your heart, mind, and soul, and I will teach you, I will show you the way.

P6.31 Seek Me and you shall find everything you need. If it is not of Me, it will fail. Dollars do not measure My abundance. Love, joy, and peace, these are of value and offered freely to those in Me. What is the price of eternity? On which leg shall you stand? I am the foundation, the garden, and the rock by which you stand.

P6.32 I don't say just the truth; what I say is truth.

P6.33 Abandon ideas of foolishness and follow Me. It is easy to follow Me, lay down your life for Me, and listen to Me. Deny yourself and focus on Me in all things.

P6.34 The meek shall inherit the earth. They live on wisdom and truth and, through faith, ward off the false glories of this world. Although they are princes in My kingdom, they put themselves as the least of men for the sake of My name.

P6.35 Joy is given, never taken away; it is just masked with the darkness. Be free from your sins and sin no more, for I am the light in the darkness. Seek ye first My kingdom, then all things shall be added unto you. I reign in glory, and in glory, power. I see all in heaven and earth and glorify My Father. In what we see and observe, glorify the Lord.

P6.36 Awake from within and do not sin. Accomplish in Me and you will see My fruits. The joy of the Lord is given to you; do not abuse it. Let it flow through you like living waters and take part of My feast.

P6.37 I am the bread of life, consume Me and be made whole. I am the reconstitution of your soul, the breath of new life to the weary traveler. Feed on Me and do not look back; keep darkness behind you.

P6.38 Church is like nourishment for babies. When we are young we use training tools like blocks to gain understanding and develop skills; to be taught in a nurtured environment. As we grow, we abandon those devices and learn from the Word as we know how to read and hear wisdom from the Lord. Such is the way of the church, a fertile ground of beginning to teach the foundation of understanding: the fear of the Lord. Understanding of the Word comes from the Lord. Seek Him and His understanding as your fruit.

P6.39 Music is part of simplicity in spirit, letting the spirit move.

P6.40 The spirit must yield fruit or wither away and be pruned, thus sayeth the Lord.

P6.41 Discipleship is a life of freedom, of peace, and of power. As a bondservant of Christ, you are only restrained by truth, yet free to soar on eagles wings as only sons of the king are free. It is a life of prosperity within and eternal inheritance.

P6.42 Who will walk the narrow way? Who will hear these words and act? Who will liken themselves to a bondservant and give all of themselves to Me in accordance to My words. I am speaking, who will hear and come into the freedom of the kingdom?

P6.43 When you have passion for something that you truly love, you seek it earnestly, and it consumes you. This is how My people must seek Me. A fervent love above all other; set apart. 

P6.44 My words are not for sale; they must be set apart. The wisdom and knowledge that you have must be freely given as it was freely given to you. What is the price of holiness? What is the price of grace? 

P6.45 Beware of false prophets, for they seek to destroy you. Only the heart can differentiate truth.

P6.46 Walk in silence and truth. No need to roar when you have the power of the cross. I am the I Am; no man can stand against. The power of the cross is to separate from this world and live in the supernatural. To live in the spirit and perform miracles in the spirit. Be as I am, feeding off of spiritual things and not burdened by the earth. And though My word may divide, it is peace, and it is power.

P6.47 Originate in the supernatural and manifest in the natural. Live for peace and prosperity will follow.

P6.48 Take up your cross and abandon thy self; this is My way and your future. The promises are for those who serve Me and My Father. Serve Me and do not get left behind. Make no provision for evil, take up thy cross and strike down the enemy; a spate of attacks against the enemy.

P6.49 The "Stars and Stripes" do not matter anymore, just the stripes of Jesus. "One Nation under God" has gone to the wayside; it is now “Under One God.”  Patriot Act:  beware, it is used for government sovereignty, but I alone am sovereign. I alone turn the tide. 

P6.50 What is a man if he is not of Me? Can he reach the stars and think they are his? What is his purpose if not to serve Me? Can he make without the Maker? What can be done without the Son? 

P6.51 Go this way, go that way, what is this to Me?  I command that you walk in righteousness. Following Me is not in the natural but in the spirit.

Next up: Wisdom: Part 7

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